Both of those factors make a huge difference. Thats why this site exists, to use science to find fact, and then allow it to be subjected to personal opinion and preference.
Part of the Audioholism is not in buying every new accessory, its in relentlessly seeking perfection. But my ear canal isn't shaped exactly the same so what I like, differs. So it is strongly encouraged to seek out and hear as much as you can! Unfortunately for me, that has involved talking with people living in FL, OK and MN!
I feel the need to edit what I said previously:
Physiological differences are one thing, but being tested to have normal hearing is what makes or breaks a subjective opinion. According to hundreds of double-blind, monophonic tests conducted at Harman, listeners with normal hearing almost always agree on the quality of a product when all biases are eliminated (double blind).
However, below the transition of the room, perceptions of bass are as variable as the rooms a product will be played in. Good bass requires knowledge, and sufficient measurements to compensate for variables as simple as the dimensions of the room itself. All of it matters, so you have to deal with it!
That said, since most of us will never get the chance to audition speakers in a laboratory setting, yes, go out an hear as much as you can, but, know what differences can be attributed to the room, the electronics, or if it's just a crappy speaker.