Im fairly certain I have power line noise coming through my speakers. At random, I get "pops" that seem to happen when the refrigerator turns off. I also get "static" which during one episode the only clue I could find was the dryer running downstairs. The pops and static only last about 2-3 seconds at a time and happen randomly throughout the day and night.
Im pretty sure its line noise since I had the same problems with my old passive speakers running off a separate amp, and now the same problem with my new active powered speakers. Ive tried switching outlets and get the same problem. I also get the exact same problem through my computer speakers which are across the room in a different outlet. (probably on the same circuit)
I live in a studio in which all ceiling lighting is on dimmers also. Im not sure if this is also contributing.
Ive read that Power filters will help my problem, but never tried them. Im pretty sure I dont need voltage regulation, so no need for conditioner, just filter.
My main question is whether to go with a parallel filter like the audioprism quietlines or a series filter like the APC C5. Im skeptical that running power through filters in series to the speakers wont adversely affect the sound. On the other hand, Im not sure how effective a parallel filter is and the APC C5 seems to have great specs.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Audioprism Quietline available from
APC C5 power filter available from