You argue that the projection for these voltage swings exists in electronic devices already... Then why do so many believe that extreme fluctuations are more of an issue than just blackouts followed by voltage surges when power is restored?
Why did so many also believe Saddam had WMDs? An overwhelming minority who did not ignore the numbers knew no such evidence existed. Yet 7 out of 10 simply let their eyes glaze over when numbers arrive.
Show me the design standard that says low voltages and fluctuations are harmful. We designed this stuff. Charts (international standards) are bluntly clear about what must happen with each voltage. Any voltage between 120 VAC and 0 is either in the normal operation state or in another area that says, in capital letters, "No Damage Region".
Am I making this all up? Did I invent that phrase? Why do we even test electronic designs with a variac? Lower voltage to confirm it will work when incandescent bulbs are at less than 50% intensity. Do these tests cause harm? Of course not. We tests to confirm a voltage where electronics only power off. Now a majority without any training or experience will say we are wrong? How insulting.
Your's is an excellent question. Why do so many *know* when they did not even do this stuff? Ignored the numbers. Did not use a variac to make extreme voltage variations. How do they know when their conclusion only comes from hearsay and classic junk science reasoning?
Show me. Identify the electronic component damaged by extreme voltage variation. I would not believe what someone told me without that detail. Hearsay is a major source of that 'voltage fluctuation' fear.
OK. Nobody provided numbers. They just *knew* using wild speculation derived only from observation. IOW they knew using junk science reasoning. Instead, let’s view datasheets - facts. Numbers for typical electronics. View a datasheet for the CD40xx series CMOS: Acceptable voltage is anywhere from -0.5 to +20 volts:
Could that be any more extreme? Even a voltage less than a blackout - negative voltage - cause no damage. Numbers - what so many will so often ignore to entertain junk science conclusions.
More numbers. A later SN74HCxx series digital electronics from TI. Acceptable voltage is anywhere from -0.5 to 7 volts:
Again any voltage from negative to well above the operational 5 volts will not cause damage.
Show me. Identify the component damaged by low voltage. With numbers. Nobody does. And yet so many still believe the extreme voltage myth - when that AC mains voltage variation is only minor.
Again, numbers. How often does your incandescent bulb dim to 50% intensity? Then extreme voltage variations do not even exist. And still, many will insist extreme variations exist only because it explains what they want to believe. Only because hearsay told them what to believe.
Do we learn from history? Saddam only had WMDs for the exact same reason. Seven out of ten blindly believed what they were told rather than engage their brain, logical thinking, asking why, or viewing the numbers.
View numbers for that APC H15. Those are UPS specifications. It is a UPS. It does not claim any other useful function. All UPSes do AVR. Some do it better than others. But it is still a UPS.
But some companies promote myths to the naive, increase the price, then reap massive profits from the scam. Another 'Saddam WMD' example. Monster Cable labeled speaker wire. Defined on end for the speaker. If wire was reversed, then audio sound would be distorted - they said. Guess what. So many swore they could hear the difference. They believed the first thing they are told. Speaker wire has polarity? Of course not. Why did so many believe Monster Cable's myth? Why did so many spend $70 for $7 speaker wire? Seven out of ten will even let their eyes glaze over when the numbers arrive. Simply believe what they are first told to believe. Not bother to ask why. Not do any logical thinking.
Why do so many believe? Observation not tempered by first learning the underlying concepts is classic junk science. A violation what everyone was taught in junior high science. And what so many did to *know* Saddam had WMDs. Same is why so many *know* voltage fluctuations cause damage.
Show me the numbers. What component is damaged by those voltage fluctuations. Why is it damage? To know extreme variations cause damage without learning why? To know only from observation is classic junk science.
Your question is excellent. Why do so many know when facts say otherwise? Why do so many ignore what was even taught in junior high science to violate good logical thinking? Why do seven out of ten ignore numbers to believe myths and hearsay? I don’t know.
What does that APC claim to do? Read its numbers. It claims to provide power during blackouts and extreme brownouts. That UPS’s other functions already exist inside those appliances.