You don't "split" 95/110 wpc (depending which thd spec at 8 ohm you are looking at) between 9 speakers in any case, particularly since your avr only has 7ch of amplification, and each of your channels can provide that output, altho if you are talking about the somewhat useless ACD (all channels driven) type of spec, yes, the wpc would drop somewhat as it likely has an insufficient power supply (like most avrs in a sense). So if you want to run 9 speakers you need an external amp. At least from a brief look at your manual. ACD is not a real-world situation, tho.
FWIW I have several Crown XLS amps and use them with JBL 590s with no issues; your speakers may have a rating of 97dB sensitivity but Klipsch overstates such by 4-5dB as they use an "in-room" equivalent. My 590s are 91 dB per measurements (spec'd a bit differently by jbl, tho at 92).