I don't think there's any classifying by left, center, right anymore. Let me explain. What is traditionally "the right" is composed of two distinct, competing and increasingly incompatible philosophies. The first is the economic conservative who places a high value on free markets, limited government and protection of rights and civil liberties. These people have a rather libertarian view and lament the expansion of the gov't and its infringement upon people's lives. Disclaimer - This is me.
The "other right" consists of social conservatives intent on using the government's power to limit citizens' actions to their world view, i.e. abortion, same sex marriage, drugs, prostitution, sex education in schools, and other moral issues. This would be the " religious right", the God Squad, God's Army, the Moral Majority, Bible Thumpers and GW Bush.
This same dichotomy exists on the so-called left. In one camp, there are the socialists that push for universal state health coverage, expanded welfare, union activism, higher taxes to cover the expense and fair trade rather than free trade. Socialists want a nanny state that taxes the rich and gives to the poor, all the while adding restrictions to domestic economic activity to benefit the "working class" or the environment.
But also on the left are the ACLU types that are smart enough not to be lured into outright socialism, but still want to use the enforcement power of the government to compel their agenda. These people promote such policies as anti-hate laws, hiring quotas, pay equity and other social "equalization" laws. To be honest, the only problem I have with the ACLU types is their penchant for pushing intrusive laws that restrict individual civil liberties for the supposed benefit of "society". I actually appreciate the work they have done ridding North America of the latent Puritan morality that's defined the moral tone of the continent for centuries. In one sense, they fight for civil liberties and in another, against.
That's how I see the political spectrum as it is today. Tell me I'm right or tell me I'm wrong, but please, tell me why I'm right or wrong.