What I don’t understand is why so many people are willing to take a few instances of bad police behavior and make the leap that all police are therefore bad. There are far more police doing a good job day-in-and-day-out than there are bad ones like the ones in this clip. Now, think of the alternative – a society without law enforcement

Let me retract my statement. I don't hate cops. Hate is too strong a word. I dislike and distrust cops. I base my opinion on police officers on the way I have been treated by cops in the past. I have been harrassed by LEO's in the past for doing nothing wrong, in my opinion. Apparently the officer felt he had a reason to pull me over that I didn't know about. But what do I know, I'm not a cop.
But I do know that when dealing with cops, it's best to just keep your mouth shut. The cop is the one with the badge and the gun, and right or wrong, he generally has the law on his side. Keep your mouth shut, go to court and fight the cop there. At least then you have some chance of winning. If a cop is looking at you, it's probably not because he wants to help you with something. He's probably thinking if there's anything he can write you a ticket for. So I try to avoid the police at all costs.
I don't think that all police are bad. I just choose to err on the side of caution. I assume that any cop I come across
MIGHT be bad, and is best avoided.
And these few instances of police brutality that make the news are just the ones that get videotaped, which I'm sure is a small percentage of the crap that goes on, on a daily basis.