Please help me, I'm overwhelmed



I'm running 7.1 now!!!

I stole the TLS speakers from the vintage system in my office, and I'm up to a 7.1 system!!! Those towers make the HTIB sub laughable, and Audyssey left them as full range, no crossover point. The front highs are the old FR and FL from the HTIB. To my surprise, Audyssey did a good job of making everything play well with each other. I did before and after listening on Lord of War, lots of quiet dialog, explosions, and nothing too crazy for the Onkyo speakers, especially the crappy sub. Everything just works, although I'm not going to spend a lot of time fine tuning in a rag tag mix of temporary speakers.

I know, I know, things aren't centered. Those black bookshelves are going away, so everything can get properly centered and the TV in line with the center speaker.


well judging by your responses to your question over on the other thread you started idk if you should be smiling :p
I did my due research, and did find those cables you linked to, but opted for the white. Like I stated in the other thread, once the HSU sub gets here (in a few months) and I'm done with the sub crawl, this cable will get retired and I'll run RG6 in the wall. So ya, I'm smiling, cause I'm happy with my system for what it is, and in the end that's what it is all really about! Hopefully by the end of the year will love my system, then I won't have time to post on web forums because I'll be too busy enjoying it, not upgrading and fine tuning.


Audioholic Warlord
Glad to hear your happy with your system, although if you're going to retire the cable anyways idk why you wouldn't steer clear of that shady monster stuff, but thats neither here nor there and hopefully you won't even read this because you're sitting in front of your system.


Glad to hear your happy with your system, although if you're going to retire the cable anyways idk why you wouldn't steer clear of that shady monster stuff, but thats neither here nor there and hopefully you won't even read this because you're sitting in front of your system.
Just got done watching full first movie with current set up, Back to the Future. I really want that new sub.

BTW, I didn't hear anything bad about Monster cable till today. Customer reviews on Amazon and Crutchfield (performance wise) looked good, so hey, live and learn. Probably going to steer clear from them in the future.

I'm not 100% sure I'm wording this right, but is there a way channel some bass from the sub out channel to the front mains? Even though they aren't getting cut off, I'd like to see them get a little more bass, I know they can take it, and handle it well.


Audioholic Warlord
Go into the speaker settings, make sure your front L/R are set to large. Then maybe change your crossover setting to 40 or 60hz. This won't benefit any of your other speakers and I probably wouldn't change the crossover, unless you are able to change it for individual speakers and not have it be a universal switch.

But switch the front speakers to large if they're not already, play with the crossover to see if you notice a difference.


Audessy set the front mains to "large" and "full band" and they arn't crossed over at all, from what I can tell anyway. The crossover toggles from 200 down to 60 in 20hz incriments, then after 60 it says "full band". All the surrounds are crossed over at 120, and the center at 110. I tried turning these down a bit to 80, but those crappy speakers didn't like going below 100.

I have a SW setting, it says "LFE" or "LFE + MAIN", and if "LFE is selected it says "FULL BAND", but if LFE + MAIN is selected it allows a crossover point to be selected. Will this send the bass from the surounds to the sub? I'm not sure, and the manual isn't much help as to determining what these setting actually do.

Next movie tonight is District 9 on BR with DTS HD Master audio, we'll see how that sounds. Trying to give the new receiver a workout tonight, make sure no issues pop up.

Is Cloverfield worth the $9? I read somewhere that it was a great tester for a subwoofer. I remember specifically not seeing it in the theater after one of my friends said he had to leave mid movie because all the "hand held camera jitter" gave him motion sickness.
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Audioholic Warlord
LFE+MAIN only work when you have speakers set to large or full band. It then sends the bass signal to both the subwoofer and the main speakers.

I didn't mind cloverfield, I thought it was an ok movie, and yes your bass should be tested with it. The camera work does leave something to be desired, but then again it was more of a style than actual bad camera work.


LFE+MAIN only work when you have speakers set to large or full band. It then sends the bass signal to both the subwoofer and the main speakers.
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks, the on screen description was less than helpful. Is the crossover setting for LFE + Main a high pass or low pass setting?

I didn't mind cloverfield, I thought it was an ok movie, and yes your bass should be tested with it. The camera work does leave something to be desired, but then again it was more of a style than actual bad camera work.
Might have to tack it on next time I get something from Amazon. Looks like I miss quoted the price, $16.99 for blu-ray.
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Audioholic Warlord
I'm pretty sure low pass, but don't quote me on that.


From: Poh S Hsu []
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 11:02 AM
To: ********
Subject: Re: Sub recomendations

The VTF-3 MK4 as an end table to the right of the sofa facing the TV will be wonderful! I would use it in two ports open, EQ2, Q=0.3 mode.

From: ****** <*********@******.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 5:46 AM
Subject: Sub recomendations

I have attached a sketch of my room. I have 8' ceilings, with a 8' x 14' "pan" in the living room where the ceiling is raised an additional foot.

I am Currently looking at the VFT 3 MK 4. Is this the correct sub for the room? Any suggestions on placement?

***********, Owner
Big Dog Fabrications LLC
Cell: ***-***-****
My VFT-3 MK4 is on its way!!!

If you are interested, the pic I sent him is the same posted earlier in this thread.

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