I am really depressed, we are in a battle with the Cell Phone tower industry, they want to put a 150foot industrial tower about 3 football fields distance from my house. I understand these towers put out radio frequencies,RF, a form of electromagnetic radiation for up to 2.5 miles. We are in the process to try and stop this but when going up against a multi-billion dollar industry, we are going to lose. I know I will have to move when this takes place but it may be hard selling my house, in the mean while can I expect problems listening to my music, and is there any thing I can do!! Please Help. On top of all this I would be so depressed I could not get by, listening to my favorite music.

It sounds as if you believe a ton of nonsense. Electromagnetic radiation is a spectrum. The longer waves are radio waves, the next microwaves, then infra red,(heat), then light, then ultraviolet which can damage skin. Then you get into the ionizing radiation wavelengths X-rays and gamma radiation.
Radio waves are not going to harm you or your family. You don't need to move. People have lived near radio towers for nearly a century now, and there is not a shred of evidence of people being harmed. That end of the electromagnetic spectrum is NO health hazard what so ever.
Cell transmissions are pulsed digital signals and unlikely to interfere with your audio equipment. In the unlikely event it does, there are remedies.
Now I know there are people who love to hype and play on people's fears, but these individuals are not schooled in the scientific disciplines and are just rabble rousers pure and simple. If science education had not dropped to such a lamentable state people would have the tools to evaluate specious claims, and have the tools to be objective.
Bottom line, know bunk when you see it, and believe me you have been fed a line of bunk by someone.