Please don’t laugh


Hammer 53

Always a little hesitant to post in these kind of forums.

Not necessarily a newbie and yet very limited in what I have, can have and therefore how to best set up.
in a 13 foot wide 15 foot long and 8 foot high living room, with a standard doorway opening to the left of the television and where the front left, center and right, including the subwoofer are located. Halfway back on the right hand side and opening into a dining room, left-hand side two windows and the couch unfortunately having to be up against the back wall. Real world issues

AVR: Onkyo TX Sr393 5.1
Front left and right: Polk audio T 50 towers rated down to 40 Hz
Center channel: Polk audio Blackstone TL 1 rated down to 125 Hz
Surround channels: 1990s KLH bookshelf speakers rear reported with 4 1/2 inch woofers rated down to 70 Hz
subwoofer: Jamo C910. Read it down to 32 Hz
when I run AccuEq set the front channels at 40 Hz, center at 120 Hz, surrounds at 50 Hz, places the sub DB level calibration in the AVR at 0 low pass filter/LFE 120 Hz

my confusion is everything I watch or read says that when utilizing a subwoofer should not have any of the speakers below 80 Hz, typically. Do not have the ability or availability to do many measurements with more expensive equipment.

Any general ideas or guidance would greatly be appreciated!


Audioholic Spartan
Hammer, welcome to the fold ! No worries, plenty of knowledgeable AV / HT guys here will chime in to help you out ! I'm more of a 2 channel guy, good luck


Full Audioholic
The room correction software chose those values for you after measurements, etc with a microphone?

The software typically looks at what output it measures from a given speaker and then sets the crossover to the sub at a suitable level based on that. The 50Hz crossover on the surrounds does seem a bit suspect though. It is not unusual for surrounds, atmos and center channels (basically anything not a full tower) to require a crossover above 80Hz either.

I'm not familiar with AccuEQ myself, but I would hope there is a way to manually specify a crossover frequency for the various pairs of speakers. There shouldn't be too much of an issue setting them higher than it's choosing. You're basically just offloading the load for driving those frequencies to the subwoofer (potentially easier on the receiver amplifiers). If the sub is integrated well enough, it should work fine.


Audioholic Spartan
Welcome, welcome. Everybody has to work with what they have and make the optimal settings for their system.

I’d adjust the crossover of the fronts to 80Hz and the Surrounds to 120Hz. Don’t make the receiver, with its modest power output, work any harder than it needs to work.

Make sure the sub’s FREQUENCY knob is turned to its maximum 200Hz setting as the receiver is handling everything concerning crossovers and LFE.

AccuEQ will usually set speakers to or near their lower spec. You can adjust the levels manually after using it.

Hammer 53

Thank you all for your kindness and guidance!

I will set the front speakers at 80 Hz, surrounds at 120 Hz I put the center channel at 150 Hz

on the back of the subwoofer, the crossover is at Max and I have the gain set just below 12 o’clock, in the AVR I reduced the level calibration DB to -5 from 0, seemed a little bloated. trying to dial that in by ear…

Hammer 53

also utilizing the system for two channel plus the subwoofer listening
Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Audioholic General
Good advice here. I agree with setting to 80 Hz and listen if it sounds good to you with your favorite movie and music. I got away from sound correction because I always changed what the program did. I learned to trust my ears and not the measurements.


Full Audioholic
couch unfortunately having to be up against the back wall. Real world issues
Is this a joke at 15 feet?

How hard is it really to sit 8 feet and under?

This is life saving and I can assure you without doing this you're only killing your potential here.

Hammer 53

Not a joke

Front to back 15 feet the only place to put the sectional is on the back wall. There is an opening to the right of the sectional not allowing for the sectional to be pulled away from the wall 8 feet or otherwise
I understand I will always have to have compromises

Hammer 53

Just to clarify if I pulled the sectional away from the back wall it would block the walkway from the opening mentioned to the right in the room
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
Just to clarify if I pulled the sectional away from the back wall it would block the walkway from the opening mentioned to the right in the room
Don’t worry about him. We all have to compromise somewhere.

Hammer 53


attempting to dial in integrated bass.

more by ear than anything, using an SPL meter from my iPad. The level matching calibration seems a little thin but when I adjust the level calibration it gets boomy/bloated any hacks/tips? Gain knob is at 11 o’clock currently level calibration to run a couple DB’s louder which some say to do is set at -1


Audioholic Spartan
Is it boomy with multichannel signals in Dolby Surround or DTS Neural:X mode? Boomy with two channel music in Stereo mode?

Hammer 53

Noticeable more with movies, either streaming or through a Blu-ray player.
but also when I’m doing multi channel listening with Dolby surround studio mix

Hammer 53

2 channel listening with stereo mode, in order to have the subwoofer engage, direct seems to cut off subwoofer and only play the left and right speakers. Slightly less booby but…


Audioholic Spartan
Direct mode will bypass all DSP and only the channels present in the signal will be output by the corresponding speakers. This means only the Front speakers will be active when playing Stereo signals in Direct mode.

You can adjust the LFE level itself for multichannel signals in the Audio Adjust settings of the onscreen Setup. Adjust it from 0 to -10 to see if the boom is lessened with multichannel signals containing LFE.

Hammer 53

Thank you everyone!

With some of your all’s guidance and encouragement I perceive I have things better dialed in recognizing that in my space and multipurpose use as well as equipment etc. there is always going to be compromises or something left out. But at this point I am able to better enjoy movies and music.

thank you all for the encouragement

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