Pioneer Elite DV-48AV



Senior Audioholic
Just picked this unit up today. I'll put first impressions in this post with more in depth usage observations in the future.

Firstly, physically it is a beautiful looking machine. It has a very nice gloss black front bezel with gold writing. It is quite a bit less deep than the dvd player that it is replacing (a Yamaha DV-S5750).

This unit has 5.1 analog outputs for SACD playback, an HDMI output, along with all the other traditional A/V outputs your would normally expect. In my few minutes of setting this up I have found the GUI very easy to navigate through and set the machine up. The remote is also very easy to find your way around even having the HDMI output resolution button that is very similar to a traditional volume or channel up/down button. This makes it very easy to scroll through the available resolutions to find what it is that looks best on your television.

As far as playback I've only had a chance to play the opening sequence of LoTR:Fellowship and it looked excellent. Sound also sounded great, very much on the same level as the Yamaha, which I mean as a compliment.

I will continue to update this thread as I learn more about this unit, but so far I am very happy with my choice of player to tide me over til I get a PS3. :D


Full Audioholic
If you're into SACD playback, remember to disable the HDMI audio in order to access the SACD submenu.

I like mine. A couple of annoying things are the slow bootup time. I somehow didn't get a navigation menu when playing Divx material.

The picture is great and the audio sounds great. I like mine.

Haven't done any "scientific" testing on it tho.

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