I had never ventured into an on-line Forum before I found Audioholics. My goal was to educate myself in audio video in order to create an enjoyable HT environment at home. I love music and movies and since I had gone HiDef video at the end of last year and my Bose LS 12 system was acting up, I decided to look at the audio side as well.
I think the biggest surprise of this process has been how much quality audio affects the movie watching experience. It used to be that when a new film came out that I wanted to see, I made the time to go to the theatre to see it. Much of the reason for that was the enveloping sound provided by the modern cinema. Now that I have a quality sound system at home, the idea of going to the theatre and putting up with the physical discomfort (I’m 6’6”) and the intrusions of thoughtless ill-mannered people seems crazy.
Now, if we want to go out it will be to dinner or a play or concert. Movie watching has becoming a home based activity. I tested the theory last Friday night and went to see War of the Worlds. I was looking forward to the film but I had read no reviews (I still haven’t) and believed this new Spielberg blockbuster was one of those films that needed to be seen on the “big screen” to really be enjoyed. So, the fiancé and I set off to the local Multiplex, got our favorite seats (main isle center for the leg room) and settled in.
Aside from the quality of the film (didn’t like it much) the presentation of the sound was far less enjoyable than what I have been experiencing at home for the last couple of months. Other than being really LOUD, the sound was muddled and the bass (and this is a bass intensive movie if there ever was one) was not up to what I can get at home with my little Velo SPL 1200. Rather than being upset that I had wasted time and a little money on a bad film, I actually had a feeling of satisfaction. The satisfaction that I had created a system at home that was superior to the one at the theatre especially the sound. My fiancé made the comment to me (echoing my thoughts) as we were walking out of the theatre. For me, that is what this is all about. It’s not about having the biggest amp or best speakers or screen, just the satisfaction of a job well done. The feeling would not be the same if I had just hired a home theatre company to plug and play me.
As I was writing this, my fiancé was playing one of her favorite musical pieces Meditation from “Thais” by Massenet. She was crying it was so beautiful.