Philharmonic Audio BMR Philharmonitor Bookshelf Speaker Demo Report



Audioholic Overlord
Hi all,

I am new here , but I am an audiophile long time a go , to long ...I am very interested to buy these loudspeakers and need some help regarding amplification . On I can't find information about max power and recommended amplification , therfore can somebody recommend good partnering amp for these loudspeakers ? It will be used in small room without too loud usage ... intention is to get good detailed sound on low volume level ...
I live in the building and the quality of sound insulation in the United States is already know ... very , very bad :)
Are you talking receiver, integrated amp, or power amp?
Do you have a budget/target budget?
Is this a music only system or will you use for home theater as well?

Dennis Murphy

Audioholic General
Although the BMR's are not very sensitive, they are an easy load to drive from an impedance standpoint. The minimum is about 5 ohms, and is above that over much of the frequency spectrum, with no problematic swings in phase angle. So all you should need is an amp with 80 -100 wpc of clean power for medium rooms, and bit more for large rooms. My amp is rated at 120 wpc, and I can alienate the neighbors without going beyond the 11:00 position. So there's no need to spend big bucks on an amp.


Dennis, thanks for answer ...

Can you be more specific , because I can't afford audition here where I am (TX )and I have no insight with current market offering (I am from Europe/Serbia) , but I know what I am expecting ...detailed airy top , clear mid and fast bottom end . My setup at home is Karan KA-I-180MK-II / Auralic Vega DAC/ Marten Django L if this information can help with advice . I am from Serbia and Karan integrated is domestic product which is much more affordable than here in USA ...

Can something like Nuprime IDA-8 satisfive all this ? Or maybe Job Int or Job 225 with my Auralic Vega ?
Or maybe something preowned ?

Source will be PC .

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Dennis Murphy

Audioholic General
Dennis, thanks for answer ...

Can you be more specific , because I can't afford audition here where I am (TX )and I have no insight with current market offering (I am from Europe/Serbia) , but I know what I am expecting ...detailed airy top , clear mid and fast bottom end . My setup at home is Karan KA-I-180MK-II / Auralic Vega DAC/ Marten Django L if this information can help with advice . I am from Serbia and Karan integrated is domestic product which is much more affordable than here in USA ...

Can something like Nuprime IDA-8 satisfive all this ? Or maybe Job Int or Job 225 with my Auralic Vega ?
Or maybe something preowned ?

Source will be PC .

I'm afraid I'm much more into speakers than amplifiers. I have very little experience with amplifiers, and am not familiar with the ones you mention. I personally have Van Alstine equipment, and that certainly works well with the BMR's. But I'm sure a wide range of moderately priced equipment would as well. Perhaps others on the forum can offer you more specific advice.


Audioholic Overlord
integrated solution under 1.500 $
That answers 2 out of 3 of my questions.

Music only, or do you plan to use it for sound for movies?

In general, if you only want stereo and If you can stomach a built in tuner, I would Save some money and get the Outlaw RR2160. If you research it, you will see that this really is an integrated amp with tuner as compared to most stereo receivers.
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Thanks KEW,

I will use it only for music ...

Did you experience Nuprime or JOB amplification ?


Audioholic Spartan
I'll concur with Dennis, any amplification from 50 to 100w will meet your needs. Just purchase for features .


Thanks guys , I am old fashioned audiophile , only one switch and one led is enough for me ...

Dennis , is it possible to hear yours speakers somewhere ?

I am currently in Dallas,TX but I can make one audiophile trip.


Audioholic Overlord
Thanks KEW,

I will use it only for music ...

Did you experience Nuprime or JOB amplification ?
No experience with either.
I did research the Nuprime IDA8 a little. I'd have a hard time paying $1000 for a 9.5 pound integrated amp, weight is not really a good way to evaluate an amp, but there are limits to what you should expect something to weight. One thing that raises concern is the power specification:
  • Power output: 100W x 2 @ 8 Ohms; 100W x 2 @ 4 Ohms
Aside from not specifying the bandwidth or type of watts (such as RMS), having the same number of watts into a 4ohm load as into 8ohms is usually an indication that the amp does not have an adequate power supply (primarily the transformer...which coincidentally is a major source of weight). I would typically expect to see the 4ohm power rating be between 40% to 100% greater than the 8ohm rating.
Whether or not it would work with your BMR's is a different question. Based on Mr. Murphy's comments it likely will, but you might be pushing the limits in a larger room or should you ever try to drive more difficult speakers in the future.
Also a bit disappointed that it has neither a phono input, nor a headphone output, nor remote control (and I have to admit that I view remote control as a worthwhile feature).

In comparison, the Outlaw:
Continuous Average Power:
110 watts per channel, 20 Hz - 20kHz,<0.05% THD, both channels driven into 8 ohms
165 watts per channel, 20 Hz - 20kHz,<0.05% THD, both channels driven into 4 ohms
All that said, the NuPrime would probably work fine for your situation (assuming you have checked it for the inputs you want/need). It just seems like a poor value.
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Devialet is also lightweight , only 5.6 Kg for 200W but sounds very good !

But I will agree with you that NUPRIME hiding something and that raises questions ...

For my taste I do not need phono section and headphone output , but integrated DAC is a big plus ...

Nuprime is not well known in Europe , also Emotiva , JOB and a lot of brands from USA like Parasound ...

Other thing , USA is so big country that you need air plain ticket to assemble just amp and speakers :)

Because I have so many questions ...



Audioholic Overlord

Devialet is also lightweight , only 5.6 Kg for 200W but sounds very good !

But I will agree with you that NUPRIME hiding something and that raises questions ...

For my taste I do not need phono section and headphone output , but integrated DAC is a big plus ...

Nuprime is not well known in Europe , also Emotiva , JOB and a lot of brands from USA like Parasound ...

Other thing , USA is so big country that you need air plain ticket to assemble just amp and speakers :)

Because I have so many questions ...

Another thing I did not like about NuPrime is they refer to the amp as being class A & D. Most of us would conclude that means it is a sophisticated design that runs as class A up to, say, 10 watts, then switches to D. Further reading reveals the preamp section is class A and the power amp is totally class D. This is the first time I have ever seen anyone state what class of amplification the preamp has! While I think most modern class D designs are fine, many purists believe it is problematic (and it was in the past).

In case you did not notice, the Outlaw does have an integrated DAC.

Neither NuPrime nor JOB is (what I would consider) well known in the USA.

Parasound is well-known here! (and I would be more comfortable recommending Parasound based on consistent track record).


Audioholic Samurai
Another thing I did not like about NuPrime is they refer to the amp as being class A & D. Most of us would conclude that means it is a sophisticated design that runs as class A up to, say, 10 watts, then switches to D. Further reading reveals the preamp section is class A and the power amp is totally class D. This is the first time I have ever seen anyone state what class of amplification the preamp has! While I think most modern class D designs are fine, many purists believe it is problematic (and it was in the past).

In case you did not notice, the Outlaw does have an integrated DAC.

Neither NuPrime nor JOB is (what I would consider) well known in the USA.

Parasound is well-known here! (and I would be more comfortable recommending Parasound based on consistent track record).
Parasound builds incredible amps. I have an older 5 channel amp that is build like a tank. Power that never runs out.

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What gear did Kevin use to drive these? Are they rear ported?

Nice to see Dennis' speakers get a review.
First off, thank you all for the comments.

I'm only using a Pioneer VSX-523-k with 80w x 2 @ 8ohms .08% THD. CDs were played through ps3 and Pandora radio was streamed through Chromecast. No sub was used, but there is a HSU STF-2 in the system.


Audioholic Overlord
First off, thank you all for the comments.

I'm only using a Pioneer VSX-523-k with 80w x 2 @ 8ohms .08% THD. CDs were played through ps3 and Pandora radio was streamed through Chromecast. No sub was used, but there is a HSU STF-2 in the system.
So, are you driving a pair of BMR's (that is unclear) with the 523?
And you are saying that you do not use your sub when you play the BMR's?
When do you use the sub?


So, are you driving a pair of BMR's (that is unclear) with the 523?
And you are saying that you do not use your sub when you play the BMR's?
When do you use the sub?
I used the same VSX-523 to drive the BMRs for my demo. Very easily. They get pretty low and sound great even without the sub. My demo was through the speakers alone. I'll only throw on the STF-2 for speakers that play from 45Hz on up occasionally for music, but especially for movie watching.


Audioholic Intern
Just curious, any chance these BMR would work well and look nice on those Ascend stands--the ones that make his BS speakers look like tower speakers?
I can attest that they work very well.

As for appearance, judge for yourself. (Note: my BMRs are a bit taller than the review models. They are in Salk cabinets with slotted front-facing ports.)

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Audioholic Intern
integrated solution under 1.500 $
I am driving my BMRs with an Odyssey Stratos Plus Stereo power amp. It sounds fantastic, but admittedly overkill for your situation (I have a large living room, and I’m a big believer in having lots of extra headroom). That said, the Odyssey Cyclops integrated amp might be just the ticket for you @ $1100.

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Audioholic Chief
I have 2 sets of his speakers and am getting a third. One of Mini Philharmoniters and one set of New Pharmonitors (which are my favorites). His attention to me has been fantastic along with his great speakers.

I have owned Bowers/Wilkins C5s and Revel M22s these sound better.

Roger Coen

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