Wow. Thank you guys. My day has been one of those storied days, filled with May-ous and Cha-hem. I knew something was askew when Roadrunner Freight told me yesterday that the speakers were on the way to the Local Hub, today... yet the tracking said that was done yesterday, but they were simultaneously unloaded at the regional Bay Area Terminal! Instead of calling to schedule an appointment, I was literally in my car pulling away from my house when a Truck pulled in. "OK," I said, got out, and since it wasn't Roadrunner, I was sort of caught off guard. Well, a total of four delivery trucks later, a rush Private Chef inquiry, my shift at the Restaurant, a Pancake Flat before I could leave for my Bar shift, sheer unadulterated lunacy at the shop... Well...
Suffice it to say I finally made it home.
And am crying-laughing! Thank you, All!
@KEW : As a Chef, I weild my knife with Reckless Care and the greatest of intent! An eye keener than my blade will recognize that the placement of my knife was, in fact, well away from said speaker cabinet. Not even I could be so callous and disrespectful of Jim's fine work and care in packing to risk it all.

Thank you for your concern. I apologize whole-heartedly for any anxiety my irreverence may have caused you.
Now, with all possible respect: I have some speakers to finish unpacking!