My last two speakers, not known for sounding bright, have sounded bright in my room, which is a bit on the bright side. i have covered all the windowns and much of the walls and floors with sound-absorbing material, but the big ceiling remains. My latest speakers test remarkable flat over most of the audio range. Measuring in 1/3 octave bands, they are essentially flat to within about 2 dB from 25 Hz to 3 kKz ( the low frequency response of the speakers is tuned internally for the room by the dealer). However, from about 4-7 kHz there is peak in the response that rises about 4-5 dB high. At 8 kHz the response is back to normal and remains that way to 10 kHz, the highest frequency I trust my meter.
I can easily hear this bump as an unpleasant brightness. My last speakers had exactly the same measurements, yet both speakers are rated to be quite flat in this region. Is there any way the room can contribute this enhancement of response? I don't see how any resonances can be involved at this frequency. If it isn't the room, what else could it be? I have a hard time believing it's wires or interconnects, though the speakers wires are 20 feet long, guage 12. Changing electronics doesn't seem to matter.
Thanks for any help.