Help: What is the differance between PCM and bitstream? How do you know which one to use in setting up a DVD player?
Bitstream in simple terms is a non decoded 5.1 audio signal sent to your AVR buy your DVD player. The decoding is done by your AVR.Help: What is the differance between PCM and bitstream? How do you know which one to use in setting up a DVD player?
Which you should use depends upon the equipment you have. If you have a receiver that can decode Dolby Digital, use bitstream. If you have a relatively rare model that accepts PCM but not Dolby Digital, use PCM.Help: What is the differance between PCM and bitstream? How do you know which one to use in setting up a DVD player?
Since davenlo was asking about a DVD player, the PCM that it will put out is most likely just 2 channel. So, with most receivers, bitstream should be used with a DVD player. If we were talking about a BD player, then it would depend upon the decoding of the receiver and player.PCM can be multi-channel, ie, more than 2 channel. I get 5.1 channel pcm all the time over hdmi from my ps3. Just so there isn't any confusion-PCM is as good as bitstream. Bitstream only matters if your player can't decode the new codecs but your AVR can. Otherwise, everything can handle PCM AFAIK.
Very interesting indeed! What were the circumstances of these comparisons. Based on these statements, one can infer...$800 Toshiba HD DVD player 5.1 PCM vs. $550 Harman Kardon Receiver 5.1 bitstream: The bitstream sounded BETTER.
$2,000 Denon Blu-ray player 5.1 PCM vs. $5,500 Denon Receiver 5.1 bitstream: The bitstream sounded BETTER.