Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
highfihoney said:
Ebay does rock...

...how hard would it be for a conman to turn the paypal buyer protection into a scam to rip off sellers,this is a very huge scam,it got me good as it has thousands of others.
That's a huge pet peeve of mine. It just takes a few @$$holes to ruin a good thing for everyone - or make it very uncomfortable.:mad:
That's probably why most of us with no major problems have no issues with Paypal, we were not selling.



j_garcia said:
I too have used PayPal for years without issue. Scams are out there regardless of what methods you use to buy/sell, so YOU have to be the vigilant one, not your service. It is your money after all, not theirs.

i dont mind pay-pal.they always have helped me when item,s didnt arrive.dont like thier 45 day policy to make a claim somtimes things come from a long way away and if you use reg shipping it can take that long.iv been burn to but usally it,s only for thing,s that are to good to be true.{pair of bryston 7b,s for $1000}.i do have a prob with the quality of some of the items on ebay some just dont work or are junk.1 of my 4b,s has to be recaped.
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Audioholic Warlord
I've been using both PayPal and eBay for years. It was YEARS ago when I tried to buy a PC on there and got screwed over. But, my credit card and bank supported me. I did not have PayPal back then.

Now, I use PayPal for everything and have had no issues at all. I have done numerous $500+ transactions and have sold thousands of dollars in gear on there.

The number one issue I think people have issues? Phishing. They get the email that asks them to confirm their account information, so they click the link and happily type their user name and password... and then are completely and totally screwed over.

I will continue to work with PayPal and recommend it to others, but the ideas in one of the early posts on how to fully protect yourself make a lot of sense. Yet, they can be used by scammers just as easily: Setup an account, sell some fake gear, move the funds out of the bank account, take the money and run.


Tom Andry said:
I'm surprised at the responses. I've found PayPal to be very reliable and safe. Phishing and scams are not unique to PayPal (believe me, I get more than my fair share with my email plastered all over this site) and are easily avoided by accessing the site directly. Not to mention, most of the time if you hover the cursor over the "link" it shows a different url in the bar.
I would also agree here. I have been with PayPal for over five years with zero problems to date. I usually keep a balance there for my eBay deals and have had over 100 transactions, again with zero problems.


gr8 problem

Every company has two side so paypal also some face problm some gain from it , for me its 50-50 becuase i received a email asking me to confirm a big amount shopping from ebay but the amount showed in bill was double than my balance , how i could be possible that you can buy $ 100 product if you have $50 in you account .Hay they come to know about our ids it really confusing. I noticed that there were similar stories about paypal on aboutpaypal.org .

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