Panamax5100 cs. Monster 2600



So I have narrowed down my choices for a surge supressor/noise filter to with the panamax 5100 or the Monster HTS 2600 . Since both of the units are approximately the same price, which should I get?

I know there are a great number of people on this board angry at Monster for their apparent aggressiveness in reference to protecting their trademark, so let's try to keep those tirades to a minimum.

I want a good "audiholics" (no bs, just the facts) take on the products.

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I recently did the research on these two models, and while I liked them both, I decided against them and ordered a Furman Powerstrip model (PST-8 Digital) instead. After too many hours of thinking and researching, I decided the Furman powerstrip, at $159, was better than anything else out there at the "below $400" price point.

As far as the 2600 and 5100 goes, I found them to be relatively equal in features and performance. One thing you may want to check out is whether the 2600 will shut off in case of a power sag (say, 95 volts or less). I know the 5100 will (and Panamax is proud of this) and I do not believe the 2600 will, but I'd still call Monster to make sure. Also, my impression, after speaking with industry people, is that Panamax handles surges better and that Monster filters better.

Of course, the Furman powerstrip shuts off at voltage sags, and has excellent filtering technology. The surge protection is top-notch, because it is "non-sacrificial", meaning that it will not "sacrifice" itself to save other equipment in the event of a strike. Furman simply handles the strike, and continues on as if nothing happened. That way, you don't have to buy another unit. If you can't already tell, I am very excited about the Furman Elite line and the Powerstrip series.

Good luck with your search........


Audioholic Spartan
Have you read this? The ACE 315 is on sale at Wild West! Unlimited joule rating! Adcom


Audioholic Ninja
Have you considered Tripp-Lite? They have a new bar-format power conditioner that you may be interested in. Blah, can't remember the name, and I'm feeling too lazy to find the link. Just search for 'Tripp-Lite' on Parts Express.


Audioholic Chief
HT series

jaxvon said:
Have you considered Tripp-Lite? They have a new bar-format power conditioner that you may be interested in. Blah, can't remember the name, and I'm feeling too lazy to find the link. Just search for 'Tripp-Lite' on Parts Express.
It is their new Home Theatre line of power protection, the line up also includes a UPS system too.


Wow, thanks for all the info.

I'm leaning towards the monster 2600 beacuse neither the adcom nor the panamax have an remote ac turn on. I am currently using a denon 1802 without a 12v trigger.

I am a little curious as to how long the equipment protection is valid from any of these companies.



Hmm....I may have been a little to quick, I guess all I would need is an AC to 12v adapter to make the trigger work on the panamax, correct??

Also, according to the specs the Panamax only has a 1790 joule rating vs. the monter's 2960, is this the most importan feature??

Anyway, is the panamax brand a better quality compared to monster??

I was also planning to hook up my subwoofer amp through these and it provides 2000w RMS.....will I need to go with something more substantial??

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Audioholic Spartan
cbecker33 said:
Wow, thanks for all the info.

I'm leaning towards the monster 2600 beacuse neither the adcom nor the panamax have an remote ac turn on. I am currently using a denon 1802 without a 12v trigger.

I am a little curious as to how long the equipment protection is valid from any of these companies.

The Adcom does have a 12v trigger. Just hook it up to the receiver. Receiver turns the unit on. And, it has an unlimited joule rating!

I don't use the trigger. I leave the unit on.
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Audioholic Spartan
cbecker33 said:
I was also planning to hook up my subwoofer amp through these and it provides 2000w RMS.....will I need to go with something more substantial??

2000w sub-amp? please list. :eek:
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zumbo said:
The Adcom does have a 12v trigger. Just hook it up to the receiver. Receiver turns the unit on. And, it has an unlimited joule rating!

My receiver does not have a 12v trigger.....but that has become a moot point....It seems like of of these do not allow power consumption over 1800w.

I will be running:

1. Denon 1802
2. Denon 2910
3. Polk Subwoofer (300w continuous)
4. Mackie 2600 (both channels driven, I don't know if this is considered continuous)

plus what ever tv and cable/satellite system I purchase.

It seems like with the big mackie running I may have to think of another solution.



Audioholic Spartan
Power consumption on that unit(Mackie) is 1650watts.

Your sub is powered. How are you running?


zumbo said:
Power consumption on that unit(Mackie) is 1650watts.

Your sub is powered. How are you running?

Ahh....thank you with the consumption portion...
With the Mackie, Polk an Denon receiver running, it sounds like I'm over the top for the power rating of the surge suppressors, or will I be ok?

How are you running??

I haven't received the mackie yet, but it is for this sub. I'm going to cross it over for <65hz, with the Polk pulling duty from 65hz to 150hz.




Audioholic Spartan
OOOOOOO! That sub! You need two power conditioners. :eek: Or find a unit that can handle this much of a load. Can your wall outlet?
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Audioholic Spartan
Motocross? I have a tricket-out '01 CR250. Modded '99 ZRX-1100. And the new baby, a '03 VTX-1800R! :D
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Awww crap...I don't want to purchase two conditioners......I don't plan on ever really cranking the amp up, think I can get away with the panamax?

Nah, I don't do motocross, that's my brother, but he doesn't do motocross either. My buddy used to race, has a nice 04 cr250r, pretty trick. He also just bought a stroker moter, high-rise bars, and long travel suspension kit for his 50, it's gonna be ridiculous.

My brother and I road race.....I've got a fairly trick 01's since been painted :)




Audioholic Spartan
Nice. :cool:

Hey, you need to be sure there is a place for three amps. My adcom only has a place for two. And the ACE 615 also. You may want to do some more looking to be sure you get what you need. I am sure that amp wasn't cheap, so you wan't it protected. ;)


Audioholic Spartan
Sounds good to me. I can almost feel the bass over here! :D

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