There is no such thing as an "HD" antenna, it's marketing hype. First you will want to go to and put in your address, this will give you a list of digital and analog stations in your area with directional and distance information and if any of your local digital stations are on VHF (most are UHF). Once you know how far away from the towers you live and if they are all bunched together or not then you will be able to get some valid antenna suggestions. I suggest HD forums for questions like this.
I lived 22 miles from the towers and they were all together but I was in stucco building and the metal lathe in the walls made indoor antennas a problem for me. Our local ABC HD is on VHF, so I needed an antenna to do both VHF/UHF (UHF antennas will work in high-VHF 9-14 but not as well as a VHF/UHF antenna). After many attempts at the easy way out I ended up with a standard 80" boom yagi in my attic. These are $40 at Radio Shack and are very easy to assemble, I also purchased the $10 attic mast (short mast with a bracket to bolt to a joist).