1913 or onkyo 616
researching these two receivers and found this thread. im leaning towards the denon receiver for several reasons. One because the issues with onkyo breaking and also the sound is better in denon i here. Was wondering how the video was with this receiver? also the sound for listening to music (mp3 mostly). from what i here denon receivers for the price pretty much have the best sound. was just wondering your opinions on these two? Im in canada so prices are a bit different for me. I can get a pretty good deal on the denon right now. I can get it for $550 taxes included right now from one place. Everywhere else they are selling for $650 plus tax so over $700. The cheapest i can get the onkyo for is $550 plus tax so a little over $600. I live near the border and can get stuff shipped there so that is an option for me but the only problem is if i run into warranty issues and duty so it's not a very good one. Also this a brand new receiver. I seen accessories4less and they are mostly all refurbished. Good deals there if you dont run into any problems. Also will i notice a big difference from what i have now? im using an antique sony strde897 so im assuming i'll notice a big difference. thanks.