Opinions Klipsch Vs. Boston Acoutics Floorstanding Speakers



What Do You Guys Think? What Is Your Opinions On Klipsch Vs. Boston Acoustics Floorstanding Speakers?


Full Audioholic
Which models, for what use, paired with what electronics? If you give us a little more information, then we can give a more formed opinion, otherwise it will just be "this is the best because it's what I own."

Both are good companies, both make good products.



I'll add that, generally, the difference in sound between those 2 brands of speakers WILL be reasonably distinguishable. Both are long-standing, reputable speaker manufacturers who make quality products. It will be up to you to decide which sound you prefer. After all, that's what IS important.


Audioholic General
I'd have to agree with the two previous posts in regards to your question. I'm very familiar with both manufacturer's offerings, however without knowing the type of application or environment you plan to use, your listening preferences, budget, things of this nature, it's rather tough to say one would be better than the other. -TD


My room is a 13' by 10'. I'm using a yamaha rxv2600 and I'm compairing the Klipsch F3 and the Boston Acoustics vr1 and vr2.


I also want add that I like to turn the volume up loud sometimes. I'm looking for low resonance, low distortion and good clairity.


Audioholic Spartan
I say BA. I am not a Klipsch fan. But, we can't tell you what you like. Many, many people like Klipsch. It's a personal preference. Audition, audition, audition.


Junior Audioholic
The Klipsch F3 is the synergy model line sold at Bestbuy. I would avoid them. The BA are a better choice in my ears opinion. I was debating between the same makes/models.. Then I got something much better.


Full Audioholic
I would go for the BAs. At that level, I think the BAs are a better speaker. Perhaps not as dynamic as the Klipsch, but a more balanced sound without losing out on detail. HT Mag did a review of the Boston receiver with a VR3 set-up. The review is definitely worth reading.



Junior Audioholic
I agree with zuke for very obvious reason, I used to have the F3 and they are good speakers and all but I thougth they were too boomy and they didn't sound very clear, I had them paired with the Sub-12 that probably explains the boominess, but overall they were just ok, I will just probably look around, I know you mentioned that you wanted loud but you should also want clarity and what I got it's much cleaner and sound a lot nicer to me than my old klipsch, by the way just so you know how frustrated I was with them, I sold the 2 F3, sub-12 and C1 for $500. that is a steal.


Thanks for your opinions and I've decided to go wiith the BA VR2's. My ears definitly like the sound of those better after auditioning.


Audioholic General
Good choice!

As you can see by my signature, I myself found the VR3s to be a very good value for performance set of mains, found an excellent deal on them and just couldn't resist. I considered the VR2s at one point, but as I mentioned, just couldn't pass up the VR3 deal I landed.

I also just recently was able to aquire a nice VR12 to match up with the VR3s and I will say that this is one strong center channel capable of of matching up with the best VRs Boston has available. The VR12 would likely be way overkill in that sized room, you could do well spending less. The VR920, which I have been using up until this week, is also a very good match with any of the VR towers, but the VR12 just seems to be a bit stronger and have more presence than the 920. Both I've found to be better than any of BAs current center offerings.

I think you'll be quite pleased with these and if you're listening preferences between movies and music are balanced or lean more towards music, I think you'll find the BAs will be much more enjoyable than the Klipschs.

Enjoy! :)



Personally I think the Klipsch RB-15s are one hell of a speaker for $300 and blow the BAs out of the water. I think their clarity, sound stage and separation are better than the F3s. But, it is your ear that you need to please you.



Interesting.... I have just bought the F3's with and F2 Center and surrounds..

I think they are great, but I agree that it really is personal prefrence... I like the mid/lower sound......but I added some Sony's to the speaker B connections.....that gives me the clean sound added it....

Bestbuy reduced them to $300 for me.......I meet with one of their sales preventions officers that really tried to loose the sale as normal......but the price pushed me over the hill......

The sales guy told me that I should connect my surrounds to the rear surround connectors on the reciever....but I don't see that advised anywhere else........So should I get the S2's for the rear surrounds and have them all?
Is it worth it?


Junior Audioholic
plewis12 said:
Interesting.... I have just bought the F3's with and F2 Center and surrounds..

I think they are great, but I agree that it really is personal prefrence... I like the mid/lower sound......but I added some Sony's to the speaker B connections.....that gives me the clean sound added it....

Bestbuy reduced them to $300 for me.......I meet with one of their sales preventions officers that really tried to loose the sale as normal......but the price pushed me over the hill......

The sales guy told me that I should connect my surrounds to the rear surround connectors on the reciever....but I don't see that advised anywhere else........So should I get the S2's for the rear surrounds and have them all?
Is it worth it?

I am confused here



I don't know for sure what the deal is on the new Klipsch company, I cannot help but feel that they do NOT match anything what Paul Klipsch did himself. I grew up with 3 pairs of heresy's and I know that they are something else, on the other hand I don't have much experience with Boston acoutics all I know is that they'll never match the impact or volume that a genuine Klipsch speaker can reproduce.


Audioholic General

Potzi said:
... I don't have much experience with Boston acoutics all I know is that they'll never match the impact or volume that a genuine Klipsch speaker can reproduce.
So you don't have much (if any) experience with Boston Acoustics, but you know that they'll never match the "impact or volume that a genuine Klipsch speaker can reproduce"? Kinda tough to compare speaker models, nevermind manufacturers, when you've either never even heard or have limited experience with one of the two, don't you think?

So by that logic, a speaker that produces a substantial impact and/or volume is a good thing?:confused:

I would assume Bose 901s would fall under that category, they're some of the loudest, impactful speakers I've ever heard. If that's the case when determining speaker purchases, I think I'm glad I missed that lesson... :rolleyes:

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