Then panamax will cover the property. Just read the warranty info carefully. The Panamax has to be connected to an outlet, not an extention chord, and the outlet has to be properly grounded. Panamax and many other companies will inspect everything. If they find something was not properly done, then the warranty is void.
Warranty is so chock full of exemptions that it will not be honored. The Panamax does not claim to provide protection from typically destrucutive surges. Which is why "lightening blew right through it and every component I owned." And which is why a big buck warranty has numerous exemptions.
"AquaMan" on 16 Aug 2002 in "tivo modem?" wrote:
> I can attest to this... my modem recently fried, and I could not get the surge protector
> company to honor the "$20,000 connected devices warranty". I had everything...
> the Tivo receipt, the power surge protector receipt, etc. etc. etc. and jumped
> through all their hoops... but they would not honor it because "the coax on the Tivo
> was not surge protected". *sigh*
Another warranty said a protector anywhere in the building from any other manufacturer voids their warranty. Chock full of exemptions so that a warranty claim need not be honored. Plug-in protectors are profit centers; not insurance and not surge protection.