Kansas was one of the coolest bands I ever saw live. I recall being shocked to see the guy that played the violin. Possibly my first go round as adopting it as one of my favorite instruments to listen to. Incredible band, and even in spite of their success, they were still underrated compared to the amount of talent the whole band had.
Boston. . . .I have never been so hooked by a specific sound as I did when I first heard Boston for the very first time. Then of course there was Brad Delp.
Styx is one of the bands I played that was possibly one of the biggest factors in converting my son over to my music tastes, unintentional as it was. I remember one night I was listening to Styx and Kansas and I remarked that I was lucky to grow up with the good stuff. As soberly as he could say it, he said; "I know." And that was pretty much that.