Once again, speaker cables

Cruise Missile

Cruise Missile

Full Audioholic
Hey guys, I heard there are some new shoelaces that will make you run faster and jump higher.
Best part is you can use them with ANY shoe and get these results!!!

Seriously, if you think esoteric cables sound better, good for you.
If you think zip cord sounds better, good for you also.

I sat and listened to some really nice cables recently, couldn't hear a thing.

Think I'll stick to speakers:p


Audioholic Slumlord
Angry? Where do you get that from? Just because one approaches this issue in an objective manner is no indications of anger. Nor it the fact that we keep repeating the same answer, 2+2=
OHH OHH I know this one!!! Its 5!!, Right?


Audioholic Jedi
So really, how much have you guys spent on cables?

I think my cumulative amount over the last 20 years has to be about $2,000 total. I've owned Kimber Kable interconnects & speaker wires, Vampire Wire, Audioquest, Monster Cable, Outlaw Audio, and Monoprice. My current cables are Blue Jeans Cable interconnects & speaker wires & locking bananas. I also have 2 Outlaw Audio Y-cables and 3 Rocketfish Subwoofer cables. I just added up the total the other day just for the current cables I'm actually using, and it came out to be about $800.

Of all the cables & bananas I've used, monoprice is the absolute worst because the connects kept on coming loose for me.


Senior Audioholic
Hey guys, I heard there are some new shoelaces that will make you run faster and jump higher.
Best part is you can use them with ANY shoe and get these results!!!

Seriously, if you think esoteric cables sound better, good for you.
If you think zip cord sounds better, good for you also.

I sat and listened to some really nice cables recently, couldn't hear a thing.

That's probably because you didn't have them sitting on a $2000 power cord supported by $800 cable elevators. You poor, poor blue-collar wastrel...;)
ThA tRiXtA

ThA tRiXtA

Full Audioholic
LOL @ cable elevators. Who the hell buys this junk anyway.


Seriously, I have no life.
LOL @ cable elevators. Who the hell buys this junk anyway.
Junk? They are very nicely designed mostly and manufactured. Maybe even museum quality:D
And, just poke your head in at AA tweaks and see who buys them:p


I thought this was about cable ?

Copper has low resistance.

14 gauge = restance .002525 ohms per foot

50ft resistance= .1263 ohms

Even 50 foot of 14 gauge cable has relatively low resistance to a 4ohm or 8 ohm speaker.

.1263/ (.1263+8)= 1.6% 98.4% through speaker

.1263/ (.1263+4)= 3.06% 96.94% through speaker.

So you provide some EMF shielding either through twisted pair or through a center conductor surrporrounded by a metal mesh sheath.

The electrons follow the laws of science and physics and are not concerned with cost. Neither should you be concerned with cost. Why? Because you don't gain anything!! Cables are a commodity product! The product differentiation is purely a marketing effort.

Too me it appears some cable companies have marketing departments that almost rival those of Bose! So the discussion has bunny-triled off to opinions about opinions about he/she said such and such.
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Audioholic Warlord
Sounds like someone has Cable Envy. I love these HT sites, you guys all crack me up. Each one of you (rich or poor) thinks you have a real bead on things and pity's the other side. Why is that?
I'm late coming into this but I had to reply.

"I'm sure this goes against everything you've been taught, but right and wrong do exist. Just because you don't know what the right answer is - maybe there's even no way you could know what the right answer is - doesn't make your answer right or even okay. It's much simpler than that. It's just plain wrong."

Not telling them is just plain WRONG.



Audioholic Slumlord
LOL @ cable elevators. Who the hell buys this junk anyway.
I know a guy that uses them. He also has a highly modified turn table. A purist if you will. I would love to hear it in action, but I haven't had an invitation.
Dude, call me. :)

I have the same relationship with this site. A lot of angry radical objectivists here, but I keep coming back from time to time.

AA (and the 'gon) is one end of the spectrum, AH is the other. I spend most of my time in the middle, with the reasonable and sane people.;)
A radical objectivist? That's a contradiction in terms, isn't it?
Anyways, you seem to be implying that the radical objectivists are here at AH and that they are unreasonable and insane.

If this isn't a perfect opportunity to get myself banned, I don't know what is. I think I can get away with saying, "Same to you pal."

Edit: BTW I would love to actually hear a high end system with high end wires. Until that happens, I will have to settle with believing in the science behind electricity. You and I are close geographically. Perhaps you would be willing to allow me an opportunity to hear first hand what all the fuss is about.
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Seriously, I have no life.
Edit: BTW I would love to actually hear a high end system with high end wires. .
While listening might be enjoyable to such a system, the cable would be not important and a waste of good money$$$
Just check this out.

His system is/was posted at AA, must have cost a cool $1mill. Looked like a museum or something, special room or cottage designed just for this acoustically. Used $30k wires, not sure how many but much more than one.

This all started when Randi was working on testing one of those $7k Pear cables that a reviewer just gloated about.

Anyhow, this Mike compared a Monster, perhaps a few hundred$$ and his. What a disaster. Could not differentiate it from the limited trials that were cancelled because of the poor performance.:D

So, the moral is don't listen because of cables, do it for other reasons:D


Audioholic Slumlord
So, the moral is don't listen because of cables, do it for other reasons:D
Agreed. I'll use any reason to explore quality. As of yet my system is the nicest I've heard and as you can tell by my sig, it's nothing to write home about. Sooner or later opportunities will present themselves. I won't let them pass on account of cable philosophy. I really don't care what people believe. I do take exception to misinformation being passed on as facts for the purpose of robbing people blind.

BTW, I'm still gathering facts.

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