

Audioholic Spartan
The wife had an interesting comment during dinner tonight.......... can you imagine what the 'poll lead' would be right now if we had the likes of Regan instead of Trump right now !


Audioholic Jedi
The wife had an interesting comment during dinner tonight.......... can you imagine what the 'poll lead' would be right now if we had the likes of Regan instead of Trump right now !
Depends what you imagined Reagan was. He was an actor.


Depends what you imagined Reagan was. He was an actor.
I remember the famous "Tear down the wall speech". Also remember that our 'Star Wars' program for military orbital dominance what 100% a total sham put on by the Reagan administration and it did exactly what it was intended to do: Get a financially shaky USSR to bankrupt itself chasing a ghost.

Probably Reagan's greatest acting role. Some times all you need is imagination ;-)


Audioholic Jedi
I remember the famous "Tear down the wall speech". Also remember that our 'Star Wars' program for military orbital dominance what 100% a total sham put on by the Reagan administration and it did exactly what it was intended to do: Get a financially shaky USSR to bankrupt itself chasing a ghost.

Probably Reagan's greatest acting role. Some times all you need is imagination ;-)
Or good PR. One of the better acting stories I heard of Ray-gun was when he was president of SAG and had to negotiate so told bartender to keep his drinks coming fast but without alcohol unlike everyone else. He was primarily an actor, tho (as was his wife)


Or good PR. One of the better acting stories I heard of Ray-gun was when he was president of SAG and had to negotiate so told bartender to keep his drinks coming fast but without alcohol unlike everyone else. He was primarily an actor, tho (as was his wife)
He was also primarily a two term president and governor. But you spin it how ever you want.

Reagan was also in the military service and even though studios were more than happy to get him a deferment he countermanded that after a finishing a film shoot and served during WW2.


Audioholic Jedi
He was also primarily a two term president and governor. But you spin it how ever you want.

Reagan was also in the military service and even though studios were more than happy to get him a deferment he countermanded that after a finishing a film shoot and served during WW2.
Just saying he didn't have particular qualifications except among his fans....and was questionable as to any "greatness". Then you're probably a "fan"


Audioholic Spartan
The wife had an interesting comment during dinner tonight.......... can you imagine what the 'poll lead' would be right now if we had the likes of Regan instead of Trump right now !
Every state but MN. :p


Audioholic Spartan
I’d say preferably not. But if they are mentally sound. Why not? My point was more to illustrate that bidens mental capacity is more of a factor than simply his age. It’s just a number kinda thing.
It will probably happen one day, but thankfully it's unlikely to be a pattern Now your dealing with someone who is immobile and needs to be hauled around LOL. Biden's almost there, but I can't imagine someone 90 or 100. Gotta be someone who does 5K's or something. More good SNL skits there. :)


Audioholic Spartan
We will get violent if Trump is indicted by the corrupt DOJ.


We will get violent if Trump loses the next election.

Trump: I didn't encourage it though. I was just warning you these are not people to mess with.;)

Experts on political violence warn that attacks against people or institutions become more likely when elected officials or prominent media figures are able to issue threats or calls for violence with impunity. The pro-Trump mob that attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was drawn to Washington in part by a post on Twitter from Mr. Trump weeks earlier, promising that it would be “wild.”
In Georgia, at the Republican state convention, Kari Lake, who refused to concede the Arizona election for governor in 2022 and who is an ardent defender of Mr. Trump, emphasized that many of Mr. Trump’s supporters owned guns.

I have a message tonight for Merrick Garland and Jack Smith and Joe Biden — and the guys back there in the fake news media, you should listen up as well, this one is for you,” Ms. Lake said. “If you want to get to President Trump, you are going to have go through me, and you are going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me. And I’m going to tell you, most of us are card-carrying members of the N.R.A.”

The crowd cheered.

Ms. Lake added: “That’s not a threat, that’s a public service announcement.”

Political violence experts say that even if aggressive language by high-profile individuals does not directly end in physical harm, it creates a dangerous atmosphere in which the idea of violence becomes more accepted, especially if such rhetoric is left unchecked.

On Pete Santilli’s talk show, the conservative provocateur declared that if he were the commandant of the Marine Corps, he would order “every single Marine assigned to the Marine Corps barracks” to grab President Biden, “throw him in freakin’ zip ties in the back of a freakin’ pickup truck,” and “get him out of the White House.”

One of his guests, Lance Migliaccio, said that if it were legal and he had access, he would “probably walk in and shoot” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and someone Mr. Trump has identified as one of his enemies.<<<

On Instagram on Saturday morning, Mr. Trump posted a mash-up video of himself swinging a golf club on the course and an animation of a golf ball hitting President Biden in the head, superimposed with footage of Mr. Biden falling at a public event in recent days after he tripped over something onstage.

It was hardly the first time that figures on the right have issued calls for war or violence to support the former president, or the first time that Mr. Trump has appeared to summon his supporters to amass on his behalf.

In the days leading up to the attack on the Capitol, the notion that a civil war was drawing near was prevalent in right-wing circles. Extremist leaders like Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath Keepers militia, and Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of the Proud Boys, often rallied their groups with incendiary references to the cleansing violence of the American Revolution. Both men have been convicted of sedition in connection with the Capitol attack.

More broadly, on far-right websites, people shared tactics and techniques for attacking the building and discussed building gallows and trapping lawmakers in tunnels there.

Indeed, within days of the heated language that followed the search of Mar-a-Lago, an Ohio man armed with a semiautomatic rifle tried to breach the F.B.I. field office near Cincinnati and wound up killed in a shootout with the local police.


Audioholic Spartan
I would never condone violence.

Mmkay LOL. The one that is baffling to me is how Trump supporters only follow his words and not his tone.

Particularly his early rallies but extends beyond that also. There are so many examples it's ridiculous....



Audioholic Spartan
Just saying he didn't have particular qualifications except among his fans....and was questionable as to any "greatness". Then you're probably a "fan"
My comment about Reagan was relative to 1980 and the run up to his first term. Meaning that I believe he would have had a much bigger lead, not after judgement from two terms.

As for qualifications, there have been several that followed that were questionable ;)


Audioholic Spartan
My comment about Reagan was relative to 1980 and the run up to his first term. Meaning that I believe he would have had a much bigger lead, not after judgement from two terms.

As for qualifications, there have been several that followed that were questionable ;)
Today Reagan would be derided as a RINO.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Depends what you imagined Reagan was. He was an actor.
Like the time he had a meeting with the joint chiefs, and one of the joint chiefs directly contradicted him. After the meeting, Reagan caught the joint chief in the hallway, grabbed him by the throat and he held him against the wall and told him don’t ever fing contradict me in front of others again. Or when he bombed Muammar Qaddafi, France told him our F-111’s didn’t have authority to fly over their country, Ronald Reagan said, then shoot them down. I could go on, the man was not just an actor, although his experience acting definitely led to his onstage performances.


Audioholic Spartan
Like the time he had a meeting with the joint chiefs, and one of the joint chiefs directly contradicted him. After the meeting, Reagan caught the joint chief in the hallway, grabbed him by the throat and he held him against the wall and told him don’t ever fing contradict me in front of others again. Or when he bombed Muammar Qaddafi, France told him our F-111’s didn’t have authority to fly over their country, Ronald Reagan said, then shoot them down. I could go on, the man was not just an actor, although his experience acting definitely led to his onstage performances.
Any credible references?


Audioholic Spartan

President Donald Trump has repeatedly distanced himself from acts of violence in communities across America, dismissing critics who point to his rhetoric as a potential source of inspiration or comfort for anyone acting on even long-held beliefs of bigotry and hate.

"I think my rhetoric brings people together," he said last year, four days after a 21-year-old allegedly posted an anti-immigrant screed online and then allegedly opened fire at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, killing 22 and injuring dozens of others.

But a nationwide review conducted by ABC News has identified at least 54 criminal cases where Trump was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault.

Reviewing police reports and court records, ABC News found that in at least 12 cases perpetrators hailed Trump in the midst or immediate aftermath of physically assaulting innocent victims. In another 18 cases, perpetrators cheered or defended Trump while taunting or threatening others. And in another 10 cases, Trump and his rhetoric were cited in court to explain a defendant's violent or threatening behavior.
Thirteen cases identified by ABC News involved violent or threatening acts perpetrated in defiance of Trump, with many of them targeting Trump's allies in Congress. But the vast majority of the cases – 41 of the 54 – reflect someone echoing presidential rhetoric, not protesting it.

ABC News could not find a single criminal case filed in federal or state court where an act of violence or threat was made in the name of President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush.

The 54 cases identified by ABC News are remarkable in that a link to the president is captured in court documents and police statements, under the penalty of perjury or contempt. These links are not speculative – they are documented in official records. And in the majority of cases identified by ABC News, it was perpetrators themselves who invoked the president in connection with their case, not anyone else.


Audioholic Spartan
Apparently it wasn't just the '20 election that was rigged. They all were.....

Throughout his political career, Trump has regularly refused to accept the results of an election or commit to a conceding defeat. After finishing second in the Iowa caucuses in 2016, Trump accused Texas Sen. Ted Cruz of fraud and called for a new contest. Later, while facing Democrat Hillary Clinton, Trump baselessly claimed the election he eventually won was “rigged” and repeatedly refused to say whether he would abide by the outcome. He again avoided a commitment heading into the 2024 election.

These repeated denials provoked Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during the Republican primary to predict that Trump wouldn’t accept the results of the 2024 Iowa caucuses if he lost. (Trump ultimately won Iowa by a resounding margin.)

In his interview, Trump also doubled down on his promise to pardon the hundreds of people sentenced for crimes committed stemming from January 6. Trump has called these individuals “hostages,” though many have pleaded guilty to violent crimes or have been convicted by juries.

During an exchange on the issue, Time asked: “Will you consider pardoning every one of them?”

Trump replied, “I would consider that, yes.”

Time: “You would?”

Trump: “Yes, absolutely.”



Audioholic Spartan
Trump calls J6 attendees "patriots" and "hostages" LOL. To be fair, I think what Trump is getting at is questioning in some cases the length of the sentence. But since Trump doesn't really articulate specifics, I advise him to make a distinction between those in the "front," and those in the "back" LOL. And those who trespassed thru the gates I imagine. It's political though so maybe it's best Trump goes back to eating his McDonalds.:)


Seriously, I have no life.
Or good PR. One of the better acting stories I heard of Ray-gun was when he was president of SAG and had to negotiate so told bartender to keep his drinks coming fast but without alcohol unlike everyone else. He was primarily an actor, tho (as was his wife)
Would you rather negotiate while as shyte-faced as the other side? Is it a bad thing that he wanted to be clear-headed (to whatever extent that was possible)?

I would be pointing fingers at the other side for negotiating while hammered, not the guy who wanted to be sober.


Audioholic Jedi
Would you rather negotiate while as shyte-faced as the other side? Is it a bad thing that he wanted to be clear-headed (to whatever extent that was possible)?

I would be pointing fingers at the other side for negotiating while hammered, not the guy who wanted to be sober.
I didn't say or imply anything like that. Just one of the better stories about ol' raygun, showing some sort of smarts....which he didn't have a whole lot of.

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