I have never heard my Energy ESW-V10 play in that manner. Check your volume. Thought something was gonna blow. Seriously that is one friggin intense movie with insane LFE. Similar to the power outage scene on Monsters Inc. but way more intense. You will be playing this one for friends...I promise. In the scene in reference, it's like a sine sweep that dips really low, really loud. I was playing -9 on my RX-V1800 (sub @ -3db). I can't tell how low it went (??hz) but I guess around 20 for sure! My 10" couldn't take the last cycles though; I heard it fart a little. Pretty normal I guess. I got addicted to high SPLs for a minute, playing it over and over again, pushing it more and more at a time to reach my sub's limits.
Check out that scene and give me some numbers pls!