The more I think about GM's situation, the more I think they should be bailed out. Hear me out. The auto industry is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the nation. The gov't has mandated union legislation that allows the union take what it wants from the company without regard to the future, Some might call the process negotiation, but current law allows the union to hold tens of billions of dollars in GM assets as literal hostage during strikes to get what they want. GM has only been allowed to "negotiate" with a gun to it's head for every contract. Labor law almost totally favors the union side of negotiations and the result has cost GM billions in additional ongoing costs. It's these billions of dollars in legacy costs and retirement benefits that are killing GM and the process is legislatively against GM.
On the product side, GM is hugely succesful in the international market but the Japanese gov't has all but excluded foreign vehicles from entering Japan. Japanese automakers have been given a protected home market, preventing GM from making inroads into those automakers profits in their home markets. The US gov't has never taken the position that Japan should open their markets to our automakers while their automakers dominate our market. Not only that, but the advanced batteries in Japanese vehicles were heavily subsidized by the Japanese gov't, even as our gov't expects that our automakers will develop such technology on their own. This puts our automakers at a disadvantage of tens of billions of dollars.
Never mind the ridiculous demands of the gov't for ever higher fuel economy and safety equipment, much of it based on technology that doesn't currently exist, further draining the budgets of our companies to meet these demands.
I would venture to say that if the US automakers were allowed to run their business without such a massive intrusion of the gov't in their affairs, they would not need a buyout. But as things stand, the gov't itself plays a HUGE role in the state of the auto industry. To lose such an industry and simply hand it over to protected and subsidized foreign competitors is NOT a result of FREE MARKET competition, but an indication that our own governments have mismanaged it's own involvement in the industry.
Or to quote Clausewitz, economics is war by other means...and we are losing due to the shortsightedness of our gov't leadership. Ask yourself why GM and Ford are profitable sales leaders in every foreign market in every region and nearly every country except the United States.