So you're the guy that beat me to it on craigslist. How'd you do that? I was sure I would be first in
I had a pair of F's that I traded in for a pair of rosewood walsh 5's back in 1990. I haven't modded or upgraded them since, and haven't really found the need. This was both a step up, and a step down. Having lived with both for an exteded period I feel I can qualify the differences between the two. The 5's definitely are capable of more output and power handling, but the lost some immediacy to gain that. If you are playing all Wagner all the time, the 5's are the ticket. But put on Ella Fitzgerald's Birthday Concert and F's poke the 5's in the eye. Don't get me wrong, the 5's are great speakers. But I think in that quest for bulletproofness, they lost a little of that "you are there" experience that shines with the f's.
I would echo Scotts comments above and would add the following: I have had some interaction via email with Dale Harder and he is indeed the real deal. He's responsive and it is clear he really does know these drivers inside and out. He hasn't just recreated the driver but re-engineered it. Short of buying new drivers from Dale, your best bet is to have your F's restored by him. If I come into another pair, that is what I will do.
I may revisit that poking in the eye statement once I have reconfigured my system. Currently I am running my sources into a MX110 tuner/preamp and an Aragon 4004MKII. I am going to switch to a DEQX 2.6P and a MC240 for the super-tweeter and the 4004MKII for the walsh driver. I'm curious to see if I will see a big improvement with the DEQX's speaker and room correction bypassing the crossover - which is a complicated beast in the 5's.
All the best with your quest, and let us know how it turns out.