Official CES 2006 Expo News and Coverage Thread

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Mort Corey

Senior Audioholic
Blu-Ray/HD-DVD....who, when, how good and how much? (plus software availability and backwards compatability)



(oops, guess I didn't pay attention to this being in the display section)


Audioholic Warlord
I don't care at all about rear projection. I would love to hear about the new InFocus lineup. I have also heard that the Optoma H27 is becoming difficult to source - so are they replacing it? Or upgrading the H31? Or what?

1080p FRONT projection? Do we finally have any marketable products coming along from DLP or LCD land? From who? Epson most notably should be the front runner.

Obviously Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. Or more importantly - Blu-Ray, Sony, PS3 - Details man I need DETAILS!

Or a plane ticket to Vegas.

Bring the digital camera and blow me away with photos for sure. Of if you could hook a video camera into your eyeballs for the next 4 days that would be really appreciated.

Heck, I'm planning to see CEDIA this year if it kills me! To many years without a good trade show.

Thanks RLA and all the AH guys!


If there is any info on this:
Xbox 360: a little birdie told me that another HD version will be out in the spring. What about the current version, will the owners just be stuck with a device that can't do HD DVD or will it be upgradeable? I'm not even sure if Microsoft will have any info about it.

When will the first wave of HD players be out? (besides the pioneer pc version)
Will they be boxed with HDMI/DVI cables? (Am I stupid for even asking?)
What is the price range of the HD movies?
I'm sure they will be backwards compatible with current DVD's, yes?
Sorry I can't come up with anything more specific, I had a bunch of stuff but I just can't remember right now.....:confused:


Audioholic Intern

I believe I had you guys check last year, and to much dismay, Cerwin Vega didn't have anything new in the Home Audio arena, just car audio.

If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd appreciate if you could keep your eyes out for any new Home Audio offerings from Cerwin Vega, and perhaps talk to the booth honchos if possible to see what might be in their pipeline, and if they have any plans to revitalize thier market strategy and push mainstream like they have in the past into the likes of the Big Box electronics stores or even smaller Brick and Mortar joints.


Audioholic General
RLA said:
Hello All
2006 CES is just around the corner, please post any specific requests for product info here.

Please don’t ask for general info such as look at 1080p displays there is just too much to cover at CES. Be specific with the manufactures name and I will try and provide some coverage in the CES page.


I would really like to know if Denon is going to expand the use of DenonLink on some of their lower cost players and receivers. Will there be a HD video player put out by Denon this year and will it be universal?

Thanks for the coverage. I am sure we are all waiting with baited breath.


Audioholic Chief
Ok Guys
Just a quick reply I am on my way and I have your requests and will try to dig up some info.


Audioholic Warlord
If its not to much trouble...

1.) Find out when Energy is releasing its Flat driver subwoofers?

2.) Upcoming SVS products (speakers subwoofers)?

3.) Upcoming Velodyne products?

4.) Blue Ray, how much $$?

Thats all for now, more later.



I am interested in the following showings:

B&W (Bowers & Wilkins) Any new offerings? Specifically the 600 series.

JL Audio Any new home audio releases

SVS Any thing on the higher end speakers and subwoofers

Pricing on new LCD and Plasmas in the 37"-45" range from any of the respectable manufacturers



I am very interested in what Denon and Yamaha have to offer this year.

What to ask.

1) Any Hi-Def DVD players in the sub $750 market.

2)DVD-A and SACD playback on the HD-DVD/Blue-Ray players.

3)HDMI 1.2 or 1.3 which will be used for the DD+, Dolby TrueHD, and DTS-HD Spec

4)Decoding capabilities of the players including all new formats as well as SACD/DVD-A (I have a reg DVD Changer so not concerned with non Hi-Rez i.e. DVD, CD etc)

5)Most importantly availability.

Thanks alot guys I appreciate any info or answers.



I want very much to know when I can get a hold of the PS3. Besides still saving money to be able to upgrade my system to a much better one.


Audioholic Intern
Any news on LG standalone HD DVRs for OTA or their HD DVR for DirecTV? Particularly interested in the ability to upgrade hard drives on these units and timetable for release.


Full Audioholic

Anything you can get on the 1080p projectors coming out would be good. Also how the new HD audio formats will be handeled by av units. ie will the recent units already HDMI capable be upgradeable or will another completely new round of av units be coming out to support the new formats?
Thanks, Curt


Audioholic Ninja

Your 2006 CES page links to the 2005 CES thread. This is probably why your are getting lots of new posts on the year old thread.


My eyes began to gleam on the reportof the Denon 2807 but quickly faded as there is no report on IPOD connectivity nor DD+, DTS-HD, or DolbyTrueHD.



Full Audioholic
thoughts for prize giveaway

Hey how bout a Prize Giveaway for a chance to hang out with the really cool guys at one of the big shows? CES next year or CEDIA? How cool would that be to hang out and see all cool stuf with you guys??? Whaddya Think??


Audioholic Intern
howie85 said:
Hey how bout a Prize Giveaway for a chance to hang out with the really cool guys at one of the big shows? CES next year or CEDIA? How cool would that be to hang out and see all cool stuf with you guys??? Whaddya Think??
Dude, all you gotta do is just go there and start walking around and meet up with the guys. Its that simple. Everybody shares this hobby here, so just go. Better than that, get your arse down to the airport NOW and buy a ticket to Vegas to fly out tonight and you'll be there in plenty of time to catch the last couple days of CES 2006.


Full Audioholic
Dude, I was just in Vegas a few days ago but not everyone has the resources to make the trip. Not to mention getting access to some of the insider stuff they get etc. I read in last years post about the demo's that are invitation only and so on so not everyone can get into these events. In my laymans opinion getting first hand info on how things work what constitutes "bright" "warm" and not to mention "chocolatey" sound among a few. :p
Khellandros66 said:
My eyes began to gleam on the report of the Denon 2807 but quickly faded as there is no report on IPOD connectivity nor DD+, DTS-HD, or DolbyTrueHD.
The AVR-2807 (and all future '07 models) have iPod connectivity and there is a new product Denon is releasing that provides an external docking inteface (we'll post tonight).

As far as Dolby TrueHD - I think you'll see that more on the newer source components (as an analogue output signal) until next year when HDMI 1.3 is released. Since it is analogue-only at present, receivers don't need to necessarily support it.


I understand that Sony is introducing a new SXRD TV at CES 2006. It will be 55" in size and unlike the current 50", 60" and 70" SXRD TV's, it doesn't have the "elephant ears" speakers on the sides of the screen. Can you confirm this? If true, when will it be available and how does it differ from the existing SXRD models? Thanks.
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