I read "System Tuning Tips" from Galen Carol Audio (posted by Buckeyefan 1) several days ago and pretty much had to agree with just about everyone of them. Tip 5, however, was a little hard to swallow. It goes like this:
"5) Get the cables off the floor. There are a number of theories surrounding this tweak, but the most plausible focus on the areas of vibration and static electricity. Decoupling the cables from the floor reduces structure-borne vibrations that can reduce focus and cause audible “smearing.” Static charges present in carpet (and other flooring materials) couple to the cable, resulting in increased background noise and grain. Try this experiment: Cut an empty paper towel (or toilet paper) tube into 2 – 3” lengths. Use these to raise all cables off the floor, and as spacers to separate cables from one another. Better systems will often benefit from this tweak, realizing improved detail, air and transparency. If you like what you hear, you may want to replace the cardboard tubes with something a bit more attractive! There are a number of companies manufacturing specific products for the purpose. You can also build your own, but remember to use non-conductive materials, with wood and paper being common choices."
Can anyone out there tell me they hear their systems improve by raising their cables off the floor? Any thoughts on this one?