Got this figured out a couple days ago. The guy who setup the cable box didn't set it up right. I was unable to be there when he set it up. He set the audio output of the cable box to HDMI, so when the cable box detected that a singal was being recieved through the HDMI cable it tried to send the digital sound through that instead of the opitcal cable. Thats why when I turned the TV off I got digital sound through the reciever. I just had to go into the General Settings and switch it over to Optical output(I figured this out by doing some online research). The only manual that came with the cable box was one for the remote and it said nothing about how to access the General Settings. I had to call Charter to figure it out, I had called previously about the problem, but they didn't know what was wrong. I had to press the Menu button twice to get to it, never would of figured that out by myself. Overall it was a very simple problem to fix, and would of been completely aviodable it they had sent a manual with the cable box that told you how to access and change the settings of the cable box.