Nordost Audio Cables.



Seriously, I have no life.
Unregistered said:
Thank you, mudcat, my point exactly, people who achieve great things, no matter in what field they work are to be respected. And that is something that only humble people (not exactly mtrycrafts) can appreciate. Their example in courage and passion needs to be reminded to the likes of mtrycrafts.

Courage to design a car?
Achieving great things is relative, isn't it?
Passion? That I can see and understand. Great.


Senior Audioholic
mtrycrafts said:
Courage to design a car?
Well no, not exactly. But courage to make music like Kenny *. when you are as talented a sax player - yes.
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

Mudcat said:
Well no, not exactly. But courage to make music like Kenny *. when you are as talented a sax player - yes.

That's damned odd- I can see be offended by his music, but his last initial? :D The automatic censoring software's pretty aggressive! :eek:
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

BTW, I suppose if I was really rich I might wire up my rig with all Nordost Valhalla cabling. It just looks so damn cool! :D


Seriously, I have no life.
Rob Babcock said:
BTW, I suppose if I was really rich I might wire up my rig with all Nordost Valhalla cabling. It just looks so damn cool! :D

So you would turn your system around to see the cables all the time? :cool:
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

I'd put the room on a big friggin' carousel that would continually rotate! :D C'mon, you can see a lot of my cables- I have an open rack. Besides, if my cabling cost as much as your house, you can bet I'd run it all in the open to show it off! :p
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
Just a thought. Do you think the guy (or team) that designed the Ferrari Enzo or McLaren F1 would ever stoop to working for GM?
Considering that Hyundai hired the Ferrari design team to rework the Tiburon, I'd say yes, they are more than happy to work for anyone that wants to pay their mortgage that month.
FYI: I have no idea why that * is getting censored to be honest... I checked everything and didnt find it in the lists...


Seriously, I have no life.
Rob Babcock said:
I'd put the room on a big friggin' carousel that would continually rotate! :D C'mon, you can see a lot of my cables- I have an open rack. Besides, if my cabling cost as much as your house, you can bet I'd run it all in the open to show it off! :p

Just checking ;) some do hide it, even expensive ones :D


Seriously, I have no life.
Rock&Roll Ninja said:
Considering that Hyundai hired the Ferrari design team to rework the Tiburon, I'd say yes, they are more than happy to work for anyone that wants to pay their mortgage that month.

There goes loyalty resons :D
JoeE SP9

JoeE SP9

Senior Audioholic
I'd say Hyundai got their money's worth. I have exposed cable and I like it. My speaker cable is not only exposed but raised of the floor with ceramic standoffs. That Nordost cable is beautiful. Stuff like that deserves prominant exposure. :cool:


Seriously, I have no life.
JoeE SP9 said:
I'd say Hyundai got their money's worth. I have exposed cable and I like it. My speaker cable is not only exposed but raised of the floor with ceramic standoffs. That Nordost cable is beautiful. Stuff like that deserves prominant exposure. :cool:

Are those ceramic standoffs to display the cables, or some other reason? ;)
Maybe you have a model RR and these are the village power cables? :D
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

I actually have my "twin towers" of gear in the back of the room, well behind the listening position, with the speaker cable routed under the floor. Adding a FPTV years ago did wonders for the sound- you wouldn't believe how much better things work without a huge, hulking hollow box (55" RPTV) in the front of the room. Awesome for football/movie nite, too, as you can't see the gear at all (no dancing lights!). Lucky for me, all my IR remotes will easily bounce the signal off the 100" Da-Lite screen. :cool: :D

So, you can't really see any speaker wire (except a bit where they come out of the floor & run up to the surrounds), but you can see some of the ICs & stuff dangling on the back of the gear racks.
JoeE SP9

JoeE SP9

Senior Audioholic
Are those ceramic standoffs to display the cables, or some other reason?

Yes, also so my friends have something to trip over

Maybe you have a model RR and these are the village power cables?

No, :cool:
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