noob needs speaker trouble advice.



I hope this is the right forum to post this. I have a TEAC Ag-V1200 surround sound reciever(10yrs old or so). I am having problems with the speakers cutting out periodically. It started with the rear speakers. And now the front do on occasion.Never (or maybe once) did all stop at the same time. This always happens at low volume on the control knob. If you increase the volume output the speaker will kick back in and perfrm correctly for some time.
I've cleaned all the connections at the reciever and speaker ends. Is there a meter test I can perform At the recievers speaker outlet to determine if the problem is located in the potentiometer on the reciever(what I suspect)
Thanks Jim
Ps If this should be directed to another forum please let me know.


Senior Audioholic
Sounds like the internal contacts need cleaning.
Gaius Caligula

Gaius Caligula

Audioholic Intern
Ten years old? That thing is ready for the Smithsonian. Get new equipment, I'm afraid. :(


Sounds more like the receiver, than the speakers.
10 yrs. old means it's probably a Pro Logic receiver? You can get a brand new Dolby Digital 5.1 receiver for under $200. Well worth the upgrade! If you can't afford that, check out the local pawn shops. They have good deals at times. Make sure you get a Dolby Digital receiver, instead of another Pro Logic though. You'll be glad you did! :)


Full Audioholic
You just need to clean the volume pot. You can get some contact cleaner at Radio Shack. Just pull the knob off and spray it in while turning the knob back and forth. Be sure it's off while doing this btw. This should clean it. It could be contacts elsewhere too but this is the most likely cause. Check all your connections also. Like others have said a ten year old receiver is pretty old and for less than 200 bucks you can get a good used receiver or even a new one. I hear the Panasonic digital receivers are pretty good as are many others but am very unfamiliar with receivers.


Thanks for the advice

Thanks all for your replies, Your correct in the unit does need to be upgraded,besides the fact I'm a poor working guy,LOL, and therefore tight with the $. The unit being 10 yrs old has low miles on it so to speak. I'm also one of those people who dislike junking something just for new technology. Heck I still drive a 1978 pickup Ha. I will try cleaning the pot that sounds like the most likely cause. If that doesn't work I'll look into a new unit.


You don't have to junk it. If you get a 5.1 receiver with pre-outs, you can hook old one up to it, and turn it into a 6.1/7.1 setup. Or put it in the bedroom with a pair of cheap speakers, for music, to go to sleep to...........


I hope this is the right forum to post this. I have a TEAC Ag-V1200 surround sound reciever(10yrs old or so). I am having problems with the speakers cutting out periodically. It started with the rear speakers. And now the front do on occasion.Never (or maybe once) did all stop at the same time. This always happens at low volume on the control knob. If you increase the volume output the speaker will kick back in and perfrm correctly for some time.
I've cleaned all the connections at the reciever and speaker ends. Is there a meter test I can perform At the recievers speaker outlet to determine if the problem is located in the potentiometer on the reciever(what I suspect)
Thanks Jim
Ps If this should be directed to another forum please let me know.
i have the exact receiver, and the same problem happened to me. most likely it is a speaker wire that is touching another speaker wire witch causes feedback and the receiver "shuts down" to prevent it. or your speakers are not powerful enough to handle the receiver when you turn it up to high (witch also causes feedback depending on the speaker.). my speakers had to total over 1000 watts before it stopped turning off and on, but you may want to try the switch in the back that says "impedance selector" and change it from "4 ohms to less then 8 ohms" to "8 ohms or more"
ohms is the omega symbol


Audioholic Jedi
If the unit has speaker protection relays, I bet that is the problem. If it has those are the contacts that need cleaning.

And there we go again. 10 years should not be considered old!

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