Noisy neighbours. Would like to return the consideration.


Jeff R.

Audioholic General
You may return to find the building has collapsed also....

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Audioholic General
Unfortunately the only other option at this stage is to just put up with it. I've done that for quite a bit time. Don't think I will anymore.
Your only real option is to live with it, move or become an asshole who will likely get his ass kicked.

Probably best to just live with it since you claim you can't move. Moving would be best, anything is possible.


Audioholic Ninja
Whatever you do, don't get involved in trying to out volume your bottom dweller, as they could just ramp it up by playing bagpipe or banjo music at ear bleeding levels. .

ps: nothing against either as I have Scottish blood in my ancestry tree and I like bluegrass instrumentals.


Audioholic Samurai
Place the subwoofer in a bathtub and remove anything that could absorb sound waves like towels or clothes from the bathroom. If the subwoofer has feet remove those as well, you want it directly coupled to the bathtub, then place several cinder blocks on top of the subwoofer, you want all vibrations directed into the tub and plumbing of the building.
John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
Play the brown note when you know they're sleeping...
My nine-year-old is playing the recorder in school this year (see above for noise cancelling headphones!) and I asked her music teacher if they will be learning the brown note. She had no idea what I was talking about. I was going to explain, but when one has to explain the joke...


Seriously, I have no life.
I live in an apartment building and the folks living directly underneath me play their music very loud....
I am just curious what time of day does this happens?


Audioholic Slumlord
Invite an Irish Riverdance troupe over for practices...



Seriously, I have no life.
Yes, I think those impact noises would be more effective than speaker noise that goes all over.


My suggestion is pay a reduced rent or maybe none at all.
23 years ago I rented a house where the landlord was not fixing things in a timely manner. The first issue was plumbing in the kitchen. Then the furnace went out. So when they ignored that I read through my lease agreement, I researched tenant rights, I documented EVERYTHING, all issues, all communications, all in person contact when there was, and then armed with that I went to our local court and filed for a rent escrow.

Rent money was now going to the court in an escrow account. 3 months goes by and I call them up and let them know that keys will be in their drop box and that the property has been vacated.

Long story short we both show up at court. The magistrate throws out their counter-suite that I broke the lease (magistrate told them there could only be a lease where they kept to their terms and legal requirements). I also get my three months of escrow plus 3 months damages. The damages was to offset the cost of electric heat that I had to run and pay for. I don't think the magistrate liked these particular landlords all that much.

If this renter has certain entitlements then the key here is to research that, setup escrow with the courts, and make sure EVERYTHING is documented. If this renter lives in a 1 party consent state to phone recordings I would install something like CubeACR on my phone and make sure to save all pertinent calls. In a 1 party consent state YOU ARE NOT required to inform them you are recording. Only 1 party needs to consent and that would be you making the recording.

I did this with my ex-business partner to force him into compliance with certain terms of our business separation. Next time azzhole don't threaten to kill me... I have it all recorded.
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To answer the op’s question directly, a subwoofer playing 80db infrasonic (under 20hz) may pressurize your neighbors apartment more than your own depending on building construction. An HSU VTF3 MK5 is the answer you’re seeking using a 16hz sine wave. Just turn it on and go out of town for the weekend, when you return they will have moved. There will be no sound per se, their eardrums will just feel like they’re in an airplane rapidly changing altitude and everything in their apartment will have a subtle vibration.
Thanks. That'll do it I think.

Run a program on a PC and have it run randomly between 16hz-19hz and from 75db-90db for 72 hours.
Any program you'd recommend? Would Adobe Audition work?


Place the subwoofer in a bathtub and remove anything that could absorb sound waves like towels or clothes from the bathroom. If the subwoofer has feet remove those as well, you want it directly coupled to the bathtub, then place several cinder blocks on top of the subwoofer, you want all vibrations directed into the tub and plumbing of the building.
Thanks again. Will give that a shot when I get my sub.


As an ex-apartment dweller, I could tell you right away that you don't need to spend any money at all to pay in kind to your not very cooperative neighbors.
The key phrase is "directly underneath me" - I wonder did ever gotten an urge to rearrange the furniture at 3 am? Do you have a jumping rope? Do you fancy a midnight bowling competition in your apartment?
The possibilities to annoy neighbors BELOW are truly endless. Be creative.
If these ideas aren't inspiring enough, you should also ask folks here:
Would you believe I've tried the rearranging of furniture and jumping rope. Bowling might be bit tricky.
I've done quite a bit else but the bastards won't relent.
Never come across that reddit before, could be helpful I think, thanks.

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