I like Palin. I think she's a very nice lady just trying to help where she can.
What is this position based on?
Nobody's perfect, but she's clearly been overly attacked by the liberal part of our media.
She's attacked others since coming out. I remember her attacking Hillary pretty heavily: ironically because Hillary was complaining about the media.
But it's hard to feel sympathy for someone doing tours and making up grade-school-insult names for people at them as a response to them being attacked.
I'm not saying I can't feel sympathy for her for anything: but not that.
She was kind of dragged into the limelight before she was ready, but unlike the other guy(who's in office) she gets attacked on stuff that isn't our business.
She was in office. She quit to be in the media and attack other people.
Teenagers have a mind of their own and routinely do stupid things. Still I'd like to see her kids get a chance to get a little older before mommy becomes a presidential candidate. I have a feeling she'll be the main opponent in 2012 and she'd be far better than any other person mentioned on that side of the isle.
I would say that her knowledge and experience are distincly sub-par. While I disagree with that whole side of the isle: I find Huckabee or Paul's positions far more rational than hers; and both are far more knowledgeable.
Further: as neither is name-calling, I find them both far more mature. I have to wonder how someone who cannot handle domestic relations would possibly be useful on the world stage... then there's here tax-and-spend (well, take other people's taxes) deficit-spending history, and her misappropriation of state resources.