I've Got it..
Thanks Abboudc and all others who told me about this exceptional shocking deal.
I was never happier than thy moment..
The acoustic production this hell of a machine does is nothing short of EarthQuaking..
Just as you guys stated before , just as the in-depth detailed reviews/tests/measures/comparisons/researches listed , and even much more superior to this..
Nothing could really describe this..
Extremely accurate crisp discriminated processing/decoding of the pretty tiny minute detail of any given signal.
I've never tried it at its heavy ideal paces , even not engaging the technologized auto-calibration YPAO , and never reached any of thy limits regarding its terrific features.
I'm stunningly amazed ..!
Yet , I've heard from a couple of friends that this unit in respective isn't equipped 'internally' with the hugely respectable Burr-Brown Dac's ever-known to be one of thy most positive Yamaha's surpassing key criteria over other manufactures.
They even claimed that these Burr-Browns are used in the Rxv-1600 , 5990 models which I know are supposed to be a step-back from the superior 2500 internal circuitry guts except the HDMI upconversion add-on capabilities.
Hmm..Am I wrong?!
I knew it won't make a lot of difference if that's true , cause acoustically speaking , I really couldn't be much happier.
But regarding theoritics and scientifics , I'm totally curious to know which type of DAC's are implemented in this incredible unit.
Totally Grateful.