
Full Audioholic
I've owned my Xd system for 4.5 years and still love it. I am about to add a second sub to get down to 20Hz. My experience has been very similar to Boerd's. The Xds sound superb. I sold my Genesis V/Pass Lab setup and never looked back.

I heard the NHTs at a store that also carried B&W and heard both 801s and 803s and walked out the door with NHT. The salespeople were not in a hurry to let me hear the system, but once I did, they were in a hurry to deal to get the demo out of the store. They knew they could make a lot more money selling a pair of 801s + $$$ worth of amplification to someone if they didn't know how good the Xd system sounded, so it was best to say "we don't have a demo", as demo systems were pretty rare at that point. A few of the local NHT dealers had no idea what I was talking about when I asked to hear it, so I had to drive about an hour to check it out. I was hooked within 5 minutes...

You'll need to hurry up - I am not sure how many XDWs are left at NHT :) - really.
Also - I strongly recommend you the hissing reduction mod for 200$ from http://www.audioconsultingservices.com/ it is really worth the money.
My XDA was modified by Gordon (from ACS) - I am really impressed.
BTW - ACS are engineers that worked for NHT while developing the XD system.

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis