Hello *,
I am incredibly new to all this, I've been trying to suss this out on my own, but the whole scene just sweeps over me.
My situation, I will, in the not too distant future be setting up 2-3 rack mounted i386 machines. Each identical box has an Intel ICH7 high definition audio hub. I would like to mix(right lingo?) each of the sound cards using the optical S/PIF output to once set of 2.1 speakers (hopefully upgrading to at least 5.1 later) or a set of headphones.
Now I m not sure what hardware if any exist at all, is required. Another thing to add a spanner to the works, is I would like to able to control the amount of power/volume from each ICH7 source on the mixerr, as well as having a master volume toggle(I hope this is making sense). Another requirement is that it would handy to have a toggle that can switch any one of the ICH7 sources to output to a set oh headphones, while the other 1-2 sound cards still use the speaker setup thru the mixer, I realise that this could probably be achieved by pulling the boxes out of the rack and pluging in cables and unplugging cables.......but this sounds like a mess and a nuisance.
Another requirement, it would be awesome if a unit existed that was 19" rack mountable, no deeper then 400mm, ran on 230VAC 50Hz a voltage tolerance of +10% to -6% (Also known as 240V) and was black
If your interested, my setup is based on a project I found at:
[edit] I can't post the link :-( Google for "13amp My Tri-Monitor Rackmount PC" [/edit]
Thanks in advance