Hello all,
I always wanted a hifi system but until now could not put one together. I now have some speakers which belonged to my girlfriend's dad:
B&W CDM 7 Special Edition mains
B&W CDM C center channel
Powered subwoofer
My current receiver was a piece of junk (Yamaha HTR-5540... college special) and the speakers sounded terrible. This put me on the hunt for an AVR, and I brought home a demo Marantz SR6005 to audition.
With the SR6005, I noticed a great improvement in sound over the Yamaha, but the imaging is still somewhat poor. It sounds at times that the singer is standing in the middle of the orchestra. With every change in the system, I am using the same song (Josh Groban - Oceano) to keep as many factors constant as possible. We tried connecting the SR6005 to a Krell amplifier that belongs to a friend, and though there was a further improvement, I would not say my complaint with the sound quality is resolved. My friend points his finger at the Marantz, thinking a better preprocessor will likely resolve my problem.
I am running the SR6005 in pure direct mode. Unfortunately my demo unit has no remote or Audyssey mic, so what I can do with the Marantz is somewhat limited.
His suggestion is the Emotiva UMC-1 and their 2-channel amp. I have been sifting through the internet to see if the UMC-1 is a safe bet. Is it? This should give me a lot more room to grow as upgrade fever strikes. There doesn't seem to be another pre-processor in the price range (like to stay around $1k prepro & amp and have satisfactory quality if possible).
My source is a Samsung bluray player connected via HDMI. Could this be the weak link in the sound quality?
Any suggestions or thoughts on equipment choices, my methodology, expectations, etc?