I finally picked three older titles for Friday Movie/Pizza Night.
The Matinee: Gatttaca
I almost bought this DVD many times during my phase where I was buying a buch of DVDs(not renting), but it was never quite buy-worthy. With that said, I'm a sucker for sci-fi, and I actually have high hopes for this one.
Main Event: Stepford Wives
I was never very interested in this title, but my wife mentioned she wanted to watch it some time ago, so I figured it was time to finally give it a spin. After recently watching the preview again, I'll have to admit it has an excellent cast and potential.
Night Capper: Waiting
This raunchy comedy should be good for a few laughs after already downing a few cold adult beverages.
And yes.... every friday night is family movie night in my house, and 3 movies is the norm
Often but not always, I'll get something for the kids.(like last weeks
"Are We Done Yet?" ). It really just depends on the week, what's out, and time of year. My wife always gets a say in the Main Event because we always watch that together. Sometimes it's family friendly....and sometimes not. The night capper is usually reserved for something that isn't kid friendly or too loud. My wife isn't really a big fan of Sci-fi or some of the action movies I often watch, so those select movies get spun first. She usually works late on friday.......so I spin them early so I can
reaaaaaaly get the theater cranking.
And that's how we do it.... HeHeHeHe