So, I bit the bullet and I've gone and ordered a new PC for my family to use. Our old PC isn't that old, but I just had to rebuild it after random acts of randomness kicked in with Vista.
The current PC is decent enough, but kind of weak. It's also a HP, which I've had horrible luck with and don't consider as a manufacturer I trust at all.
So, a new Dell is coming. Their new 8300 with an I7 processor (3.4Ghz) and 8GB of RAM.
I'm super concerned about it having Windows 7 on it. I've got a lapto at work (HP again) which has Windows 7, and it's given me nothing but issues. Also, a Toshiba laptop at home with Windows 7 which I had to reload within a month of getting it due to software issues/BSOD.
I'm hopeful that with Dell I am starting with a far more stable and robust platform to work from, but am terrified of Windows and the significant headaches which Microsoft has introduced since releasing Vista, and continuing with Windows 7.
Have others found to be W7 and improvement over XP, or am I just having a run of extremely lousy luck?
Note: No gaming on these machines. Web surfing, photo editing, maybe some video editing work, and watching streaming content from time to time.