Good to hear the success stories with W7. I'm hurting on this one because of how poor it has performed for me so far on a Toshiba and on a HP. The HP is brand new, just bought this year, and is their Elite Book - so a nice machine. The Toshiba was the Black Friday $190 Best Buy deal, and is a PC for the kids, but weird to see the OS go down so fast on it. After I rebuilt it, I've had much more success.
Anyway, it's already ordered, and should be here in a week, so we shall see if my luck with Dell holds truer than my luck with W7 so far.
I want to like it, but to this point W7 has honestly been less stable and more buggy than any other Windows OS I've ever used, and I've used 3.11, 95, 98, 98SE, 98ME, XP, 2K, and Vista. So, I think it's saying something. But, I'm glad not EVERYONE is having issues all of the time.
Keeping my fingers crossed!