AT&T only donates $10 million more to Republicans($35,115,427) than they do to Democrats($25,081,523). Seems like everyone has their hands in the trough
We really don't have a 2 party system in this country. If it were two party and they were as upset about the opposing party blocking them from doing what is right as they pretend, the country might have been "fixed" when the Republicans had Senate, House, and Presidency from 2003 to 2007. Or when the Dem's had control of all three from 2009 to 2011. Sure a few partisan items got voted through, but generally you must admit the end results were rather lame.
We have 100 senators and 435 Representatives. $60 million donated by ATT alone which works out to over $100,000 per congress position. It looks like this was for 14 years, so $8,000 per congressperson per year just from ATT.
Then look at top spenders for lobbying, ATT ponied up over $180 million over 16 years which works out to another $21,000 per year per congressman. $29,000 being spent per year per congress person to influence/buy their votes, and
that is only ATT. Looking at the other sources of donations and lobbying, an average
over $500,000 is being spent to influence each congressman every year.
PS can anyone explain why the US Chamber of Commerce spent almost 4 times as much lobbying ($1.2 billion) as number 2 ranked American Medical Association ($320 million).
I don't really guess I understand what the CoC is about - never imagined they would be the biggest lobbiest operation - especially by such a large margin!