Need Recommendations for a budget 2 channel system



I need help adding better sound to my living room setup. Sources are a HD TiVo, a PS3 for blu-ray and MP4s, and music from an iPod or streamed via AirTunes. The space is an asymmetrical 600 sq ft modern loft with 11 ft ceilings.

I have a HK DPR 1001 with mid-level Polk 5.1 speakers sitting in my garage because my wife didn't like the speakers everywhere and the complexity of the A/V receiver. I also have some Athena AS-B1 bookshelf speakers in my garage.

Currently I use my Panasonic plasma's built-in speakers for TV/movies and a Klipsch iGroove HG for iPod/AirTunes.

I have a small budget and would like to stay under $500 but may be willing to spend a little more.

I have a mounted 50" flat screen over two of the entertainment shelves pictured below. I need to have the speakers sit on top of the shelves. Soundbars won't work as they are too long and the shelves are stacked with books.

I am looking for the best 2 channel sound I can afford and I don't need an upgrade path to 5.1 or better. A 2.1 speaker setup could work but the sub would have to be flat enough to fit under the shelves. My options seem to be:

1. A simple, slim integrated amplifier or receiver and use my Athenas. I'd like something under 3" tall that doesn't generate too much heat. I found the Rotel RA-04 online but I don't think they offer this in the US. This way I could also upgrade my speakers later on.

2. A high end ipod powered speaker/dock setup

3. Powered studio monitors

4. Also, if I add a sub it has to be slim enough to fit under the shelves.

Any suggestions? Thanks!



Audioholic Intern
It sounds like you have some decent audio equipment already and your wife is the issue, can you replace her? (jk) I understand since I have been there. I have a different suggestion for you. What about using your HK and either the bookshelf speakers you have, or purchase some inexpensive satellite speakers for your shelf. To solve the complexity issue for your wife you can get a logitec harmony remote (or similar). I have a technologically challenged wife and the harmony 880 did wonders. 8 programmable activity based buttons. Press watch TV and all of the inputs on the TV and receiver turn on with the cable box and dvr, and all to the right source. Press the off button and everything turns off. You can set activities for watch a dvd, listen to the radio, etc... everything is just 1 button push.

Let us know if this will not work for you and I will see what else I can come up with.


I need help adding better sound to my living room setup. Sources are a HD TiVo, a PS3 for blu-ray and MP4s, and music from an iPod or streamed via AirTunes. The space is an asymmetrical 600 sq ft modern loft with 11 ft ceilings.

I have a HK DPR 1001 with mid-level Polk 5.1 speakers sitting in my garage because my wife didn't like the speakers everywhere and the complexity of the A/V receiver. I also have some Athena AS-B1 bookshelf speakers in my garage.

Currently I use my Panasonic plasma's built-in speakers for TV/movies and a Klipsch iGroove HG for iPod/AirTunes.

I have a small budget and would like to stay under $500 but may be willing to spend a little more.

I have a mounted 50" flat screen over two of the entertainment shelves pictured below. I need to have the speakers sit on top of the shelves. Soundbars won't work as they are too long and the shelves are stacked with books.

I am looking for the best 2 channel sound I can afford and I don't need an upgrade path to 5.1 or better. A 2.1 speaker setup could work but the sub would have to be flat enough to fit under the shelves. My options seem to be:

1. A simple, slim integrated amplifier or receiver and use my Athenas. I'd like something under 3" tall that doesn't generate too much heat. I found the Rotel RA-04 online but I don't think they offer this in the US. This way I could also upgrade my speakers later on.

2. A high end ipod powered speaker/dock setup

3. Powered studio monitors

4. Also, if I add a sub it has to be slim enough to fit under the shelves.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Onkyo may have something right up your alley. The only thing I don't know is how much heat it generates.

Here's where you can get it at.

It is a factory refurb, however, these guys are pretty reputable.


I didn't address your speaker issue, but your ASB-1's are actually very good speakers. You can check out other small speakers at the same site I referenced to the Onkyo Amp.


Audioholic Samurai
Where do you want to put the speakers?

What is the height and depth of that bottom space under the bookshelf for a subwoofer?

I'd look for some speakers with a very nice finish and get some industrial looking stands for them to match your walls, or go with tower speakers.

I can recommend all kinds of products, but what is your budget?

I'd get some nice Dynaudios or Triads or Snells. Nothing wrong with those Athenas, but, I think you could get something with a higher wife appreciation factor and get some better sound at the same time.

For speakers I think the Dynaudio Focus series is an awesome value (they are like 1000-1200 for a Focus 140 bookshelf) and are beautiful sounding and looking:

If your on a tighter budget look for Dynaudio Audience series closeouts or check into the Excite series that is replacing those (I can't say how they sound because I have not heard them yet, but Dynaudio hasn't made a bumout product yet so its worth checking into).

This subwoofer is made to be inwall, but it looks like its a sealed cabinet where maybe you could hide it under your shelf since it is so thin:
I'd e-mail Triad and ask if that is possible.

You need to decide what speakers you are using before we decide on an amplifier. Note that lower impendence speakers will require a more expensive amplifier generally.


Audioholic Jedi
I need help adding better sound to my living room setup. Sources are a HD TiVo, a PS3 for blu-ray and MP4s, and music from an iPod or streamed via AirTunes. The space is an asymmetrical 600 sq ft modern loft with 11 ft ceilings.

I have a HK DPR 1001 with mid-level Polk 5.1 speakers sitting in my garage because my wife didn't like the speakers everywhere and the complexity of the A/V receiver. I also have some Athena AS-B1 bookshelf speakers in my garage.

Currently I use my Panasonic plasma's built-in speakers for TV/movies and a Klipsch iGroove HG for iPod/AirTunes.

I have a small budget and would like to stay under $500 but may be willing to spend a little more.

I have a mounted 50" flat screen over two of the entertainment shelves pictured below. I need to have the speakers sit on top of the shelves. Soundbars won't work as they are too long and the shelves are stacked with books.

I am looking for the best 2 channel sound I can afford and I don't need an upgrade path to 5.1 or better. A 2.1 speaker setup could work but the sub would have to be flat enough to fit under the shelves. My options seem to be:

1. A simple, slim integrated amplifier or receiver and use my Athenas. I'd like something under 3" tall that doesn't generate too much heat. I found the Rotel RA-04 online but I don't think they offer this in the US. This way I could also upgrade my speakers later on.

2. A high end ipod powered speaker/dock setup

3. Powered studio monitors

4. Also, if I add a sub it has to be slim enough to fit under the shelves.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Learn to control your wife sir!


Thanks for the suggestions. I set up my HK receiver with my Athena's and solved the complexity issue by routing the sound through my TV. This way my wife can use the TV speakers without having to turn on the receiver if she wants.

As for the budget, I'm limiting it.

My wife is ok with the setup but she hates the boxy speakes sitting on top of the shelf. The original pic was from a catalog. I took a pic of our actual place to help you visulalize (below). So now I have a couple of more questions.

1. I can put the Athenas on the floor on a small stand that tilts them up but doesn't add much height.

2. I can look at upgrading to a more modern looking bookshelf like the minipods and put them on the shelf.

3. I can look at some small/narrow floor standing speakers but I'm guessing the bass output won't be much better than bookshelf speakers.

Also, where might I find a freestanding spacer shelf so my TiVo can sit over my receiver. I'm looking for something simple - like a thin metal shelf that looks like a U bolt from the front.


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