Sorry, but this isn't exactly correct. Two crappy subs will only give you 2X crappy output, it won't improve the sound of either.
I have the PB-10 in a larger room than that, but I'd suspect that room is concrete, which will pose a problem for both the PB-10 and the 25-31. In a long, large room, the 25-31 is probably the better choice, but saying "only" 112dB peaks is like saying "only" 120mph. I've heard the 25-31 in a larger room than mine and it definitely had more output, but it also doesn't go quite as low. If you want to go lower, you're probably going to need more sub. HOWEVER - you can order that guy in 22Hz tune, essentially a 22-31PCi, which may give you a bit less output but also get you a little lower.