My old sub died so I'm looking to upgrade to dual subs. I bought the recommended UMIK microphone, downloaded the calibration file, and set it up in REW. I swiped my HSU VTF2-MK5 from the bedroom for the testing. The room is 22'x18'x9' sealed. I tried four different positions for the sub, FL(Front Left) which is just to the left of the center speaker, FR (Front Right), FLC (Front Left Corner), and BLC (Back Left Corner). The right side of the room isn't really available for the sub. One corner has the door and the other corner has some furniture. The last initial is the direction the sub is facing so FLR means left front facing right. If I'm reading the results correctly, it looks like my best combined solution for dual subs is front left corner facing back and back left corner facing front. Would like some input if I'm doing this right. I'm thinking I also need some bass traps as well. Other than carpet floor and full length curtains on four windows in the back of the room there isn't any sound treatment.
REW data file