Im not finding alot of problems with the bass... it sounds pretty good.
Although I haven't done any major room analysis.
The room is obviously reflective, and Reverberant I was just trying to tame it a bit..
What is early reflection...?
I was hoping I could add some absorption to that large tall wall, and maybe something on the sides.. to tame down the reverb in the room...
If that is what it does, Tame the highs a bit, then they would probably be of some use..
Im trying to read up in areas of treatment...
Aside from whats stickied up top of this forum, what else is there..
bpape said:
That's a tough room. Lots of hard surfaces, corner placement, and the places you really need to treat aren't readily available.
I'd do something behind the plasma in terms of a bass absorber. I'd also consider thinking outside the box a little. What if you did some square absorbers but mounted them at 45 degrees to make them diamonds? You could mount several sets of them like a diamond made of diamonds but with some spacing between them - especially up high on the right wall as you're facing the fireplace.
You can also use some different sizes (maybe thinner) as an array of panels and/or to 'frame' a piece of art.
Layout of the room is not close to ideal, but I was told it would have a benefit to standing ways.
I saw some good looking setups with diamonds, they look great..
I'll have to see what some bass traps would do..
I don't mind making things up myself, I can be quite handy, so construction of panels in an artistic fashion could be acheived. Is there a guide to building panels, and maybe I could get the material from one of the sponsers here..