It would 'Work' but as to if it would sound any good is up to the listener. Would have to use input 4 or 5 which are RCA stereo inputs so you would probably connect these to left and right height channel pre outs with a two way RCA cable. Then set it to this input and stereo mode and pick a fixed volume that works and then calibrate with existing speakers. If you don't have Pre-outs for these channels then you are out of luck. You can try it in Wide stereo mode if the left right seperation is not working but then it might try doing funny stuff like bouncing sound off walls and simulating sound position by distorting the sound to simulate human hearing and who knows what the result will be like. Borrow two speakers from somewhere else for a day and do some tests to compare between mutant soundbar height channel mode and real height speakers so you know if the compromise is acceptable.