I looked for 3rd party measurements & reviews, and found several Dynaudios, but not the exact models you mentioned. They all look very good on paper (see below).
Remember that Stereophile reviews have a text section written by one revewer, and a measurement section done by someone different (usually John Atkinson). I take the first reviewer's comments as purely subjective, but the measurements are a good indicator of performance.
Dynaudio Focus 110
Dynaudio Confidence C1
Dynaudio Contour 1.3 Mk II
Dynaudio Focus 140
I didn't find reviews of Mcintosh speakers.
Salk (located near Detroit) makes excellent speakers with first rate components, crossover design, and cabinets. His veneers and finishes (even the standard priced ones) are among the best I've ever seen for any speaker or furniture. (See the photos in my signature link below for Salk's standard curly cherry veneer.)
I personally know the crossover designer that does nearly all of Salks speakers, Dennis Murphy. He and Jim design the concept for a speaker, and Dennis does the detailed crossover design. All his work share a similar sound, that I prefer, and have tried to explain to you. Yes, I think of him as a friend, so I have a biased view, but I have no qualms about recommending his speaker designs to others. Based on what you've said in this thread, I think you will also like this sound.
I've heard the Salk SongSurround I, Veracity HT1, but not the WOW1 or the Silk. But I can confidently recommend any of the Salks. Note that the WOW1 is a small cabinet with a 12 cm or 4.7 inch woofer.
Dennis also designs and sells his own line of speakers, Philharmonic Audio. I've also heard them and can confidently recommend them as well. The cabinets and finishes are less expensive than those for Salk, but their sound is essentially the same. I think Dennis's new 3-way stand mounted monitor, the BMR Philharmonitor might be excellent for you. This speaker is available with 3 standard finishes for $1400/pair or with cabinets built by Salk for $200 extra. Dennis can tell you what he might recommend as a center channel speaker.
For you, it probably comes down to price, availability, and what you can listen to. Based on what I've seen published about those Dynaudios, and the prices you mentioned, they might be a good choice. However, I urge you to contact Jim Salk or Dennis Murphy about how you can listen to their speakers.
Other than the Sierra-1 (a very popular 2-way bookshelf speaker), I'm less familiar with the Ascend Acoustics line of speakers, and I don't personally know the owner/designer. But, based on what Dennis Murphy tells me (he has met Dave Fabricant at audio shows and likes his speaker designs), I would say these speakers are also very good.