Audioholic Intern
I'm fairly a newbie when it comes to home audio. I've always been an expert with car audio but now with a wife and 2 babies that went out the door. Time to beef up the man cave.
I appreciate any advice in advance.
I plan on buying a decent subwoofer but am stumped at what to get. I went to a local audio store and came across this sub
Definitive Technology SC4000 Subwoofer - Black..priced at $648 without wireless kit
I was also considering Polk DSWPRO550wi. $355 Huge price difference
Receiver: I'm completely lost here. I heard that Onkyo's are great. I saw that they had receivers that were THX certified and also had 4K upscaling for video which would be great to have once I upgrade my TV in the future.
I was considering the Onkyo TX-NR 616. any advice on this receiver? Or are there any other receivers I should consider.
A bit lost here as well. At the store the sales rep showed me the MartinLogan LX16 Piano Black (Ea.) Bookshelf Speaker. They sounded amazing. Super pricey. Can I get two of these and let's say a cheap center channel and 2 cheaper rear speakers. Basically can I mix in match without it sounding terrible?
Overall, my home audio system will be used for MOVIES and bass heavy music(Hip hop/Techno)
Thanks again and I can't wait to learn more of home audio!
I appreciate any advice in advance.
I plan on buying a decent subwoofer but am stumped at what to get. I went to a local audio store and came across this sub
Definitive Technology SC4000 Subwoofer - Black..priced at $648 without wireless kit
I was also considering Polk DSWPRO550wi. $355 Huge price difference
Receiver: I'm completely lost here. I heard that Onkyo's are great. I saw that they had receivers that were THX certified and also had 4K upscaling for video which would be great to have once I upgrade my TV in the future.
I was considering the Onkyo TX-NR 616. any advice on this receiver? Or are there any other receivers I should consider.
A bit lost here as well. At the store the sales rep showed me the MartinLogan LX16 Piano Black (Ea.) Bookshelf Speaker. They sounded amazing. Super pricey. Can I get two of these and let's say a cheap center channel and 2 cheaper rear speakers. Basically can I mix in match without it sounding terrible?
Overall, my home audio system will be used for MOVIES and bass heavy music(Hip hop/Techno)
Thanks again and I can't wait to learn more of home audio!