I went by the advice of money on this forum that the NAD T773 was the better amp to get for music. So I bought it. Where i live I could not audition it first, and had to order it blind.
Took me 5 mins to wish I hadn't bought it. Very flat sound, no detail in the highs, great mids if you like lots of em, and the bass was a little boomy. I had it for 5 weeks while my 4600 was ordered and stuck in a shipping port due to a strike.
No EQ means you are stuck with how it sounds with your speakers and room forever.
It has balls, it's built like a tank, and it's remote is probably the easiest and best designed one I've picked up. It's simple to use as it's GUI is very basic. Has no up converting capabilites not even for component. It does sound really good for Movies, but for music I had to eq it to get the sound I wanted with an external EQ and even then I could not eq movies without getting seperate eq's for each channel which adds up to $$$$$.
Depends on your ear, that is all that matters. You really should hear it first. To me, the yamaha sounded better once setup right ( out of the box the yamaha also disappointed me, and it's a B$%%^^ to get all the eq crap setup and YPAO is useless.
I do like good hard bass, very clear highs, and less mid range in my music. And I listen to top 40, rap, rock, alternative type stuff. I like action movies, sci fi, adventure ( LOTR, King Kong, Star Wars etc)
It has power, although you'll have to turn it WAY up, much further then you might think ( that doesn't really mean anything) and it handled my Axiom setup with ease. But it does have some hissing issues. Make sure to get the latest firmware ( should not be a problem now, but an old model might not have it)
Oh, and it weighs a TON! My box weighed in at almost 80 lbs when I shipped it back. Shippers beware